Black man in the US arrested for eating

You think in both cases I should have argued and been detained therefore wasting my time? Both times the coppers were more aggressive than the copper in this video, the first time it was a black copper (possible racism) and the second time a female copper (possible sexism). I'll never know and doubt I could have taken either issue forward (both were in another time anyway) but I find it easier to deal with dickish people by walking away than confronting them.
This is a good way to ensure people walk all over you in life
This is a good way to ensure people walk all over you in life
Seem to be doing alright, but thanks for the advice. Some people prefer the longer confrontational route than the simpler and quicker way out, I guess. Of course if this was to cost me something substantial I would stand up to them, but in most cases this isn't a factor I find.
Seem to be doing alright, but thanks for the advice. Some people prefer the longer confrontational route than the simpler and quicker way out, I guess. Of course if this was to cost me something substantial I would stand up to them, but in most cases this isn't a factor I find.
I don't like confrontation either but I wouldn't be taking that sort of treatment you were unfairly handed mate.
I don't like confrontation either but I wouldn't be taking that sort of treatment you were unfairly handed mate.
Well it was pick up the litter and get home to a nice warm bed or take a trip in the back of a police van to god knows where. Made sense to me at the time to just do as I was told. Plus my mate might have had something on him, think he was kicking me at the time, now I come to think of it!
Unless you've done something criminal, you don't have to show your ID.

If food consumption is a 'criminal offence', we're all fooked in the States.
I can't say I know about laws in that state-but I can confirm that it is perfectly lawful to ask for ID in this country without anyone committing an offence.
Unless you've done something criminal, you don't have to show your ID.

If food consumption is a 'criminal offence', we're all fooked in the States.

My first thought too. Imagine being sat eating a fucking sandwich, on a platform, at a train station, and the police coming up to you about it.

I’d always fully cooperate with the police but I think I would laugh.

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