United (A) - League Cup SF Post-Match Thread

Not sure we played that well even in the first half, they were just so bad. Think their change at half time made a bit of a difference, we still should have killed them off though. It makes the second leg more exciting I suppose.
Before the opener, the game was evenly poised, with that lot again looking to play a high tempo. It just goes to show the need to have pace and legs in the midfield (no Silva) and more power and steel in defence (no Stones or Angelino this time). Similarly, a traditional forward can be redundant when you need players to hack all the way back to our box- Jesus twice let his man run free deep into our half when he came on- so overall a much improved performance on the last derby.
Again. If you think this is a side that is built to protect leads by turning down goals, I'd just direct you to the fact that a United side who are order of magnitude worse than any CL opponent we might get are still in this tie because as soon as we stopped attacking, they scored.
I hope Pep knows that risk is always a possibility, and that I think he did it purely to conserve energy.

In champions league we cannot play like that in the 2nd half, no point conserving energy. I hope Pep understands that!
We wouldn't have won that without a Bernardo Silva masterclass.

Some absolutely shocking performances from certain players that's becoming all too expected when they turn out in certain fixtures.

It's generally the same players that step up in big fixtures (and the same ones who go quiet, conversely).

More often than not, 'Nardo is taking the bull by the horns to help us win.
First half was one of the best halves we’ve had all season.

Should’ve been way more as we completely dominated them but I’ll take 3-1, at least it should stop us getting complacent in the return leg.

On a side note Raz has been missing for weeks now. We need Sané back and if Sané leaves in the summer we need to replace him with a like-for-like pacey winger

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