COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Today's figures from Italy are very disappointing. After 5 encouraging stats, an upward spike. Hopefully the downward trend will resume soon. Terrible tragedy unfolding at the moment.

Definitely don't go. It just isn't worth the risk. If you've got it — and you can be completely asymptomatic — you can leave the virus on hard surfaces and it can live for about 24 hours, according to the WHO. In China 15% of those over eighty who got it went under.
It's just one family meal. There'll be many others in the future.
Yep,in a nutshell
Dreading today's figures knowing things are going to get a whole lot worse before they get better.
Strangely enough, I have hope for you. It's probably just a false impression given by these early days reports of yours, but I think you can do much better than us.
Today's figures from Italy are very disappointing.
Yessir, we'll do our best not to disappoint you again! ;)
Definitely don't go. It just isn't worth the risk. If you've got it — and you can be completely asymptomatic — you can leave the virus on hard surfaces and it can live for about 24 hours, according to the WHO. In China 15% of those over eighty who got it went under.
It's just one family meal. There'll be many others in the future.

cheers I know. Just can tell her side of family are so ignorant to it all so will tell me to ‘behave’ but sod it. Better to be over cautious I say.
I dread to think what will happen here with peoples attitudes and lack of awareness. Just had a kid on our street knock on our door calling for my son with two other kids of the street. Wife whispered no chance is he playing out as the kid who was knocking was sent home from school this week to self isolate as showed all the signs. What chance do we have if parents are so fucking stupid and thick. If, and I know it’s an if, but if he does have it he’s given it two other kids potentially who are going back to their houses to give it their parents.
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