Facebook crack down on fake news campaign targeting City

When that news is reported across the board and pumped out by organisations that will benefit from it, it is fake news, propaganda, agenda, call it what you will but it is put out for a reason.

Not being funny but its fake news if its fake seems based on the explanations given but no specific example this news is real news real facts but put out by enemies and fake sources.
The trouble is that this is exactly the argument that Agnelli and the 'istree boys use to justify their closed shop. This makes sure that "shit teams can't fluke their way to the final with an easy draw" and his comments about Atalanta would suggest he'd agree with your implication that Milwall had no right to get to the final because they didn't face a single team from the PL. The cartel don't like knock out competitions because they never claim that the best teams win them and they often make a mockery of seedings. Certainly a seeding system will prevent the CL being won by the best team because it tries to distort competition by claiming history should have an influence on how the tournament develops and who gets the lion's share of the rewards.
Not necessarily, if the seeding is based on who qualified the best. Obviously it's not exactly fair that certain leagues are ranked above others, but it's certainly not unfair that a team that qualified by finishing in fourth place in their league is ranked lower than one that won it. But anyway, my point was that seeding doesn't need to be there purely to protect the history clubs, even if it has been in the past. One of its main functions is to try and get a situation where the best teams don't face each other until later in the tournament. That's why we have it in the World Cup, for example. And obviously part of that is about ratings. If France, Germany, England and Italy are all in a group together, then you're losing a shitload of ratings in the group stages. But most knockout sports will have some sort of seeding, because people want to watch the best teams/players in the final.
No arguments there. The UEFA draws, with the seedings do make it an unfair playing field.

There are ridiculous scenarios where due to seeding and TV groupings teams just get put in groups and there’s effectively no draw. I remember a few years ago Liverpool didn’t get drawn just put in a group because they couldn’t go in any other group due to stupid tv rules whereby they couldn’t play when other teams were playing. The whole CL draw is contrived and manipulated.
What are you not understanding ? Are you saying that members of a government bare no responsibility for the actions of the government

Of course they do. Actions of the government 100%.Outcomes of those actions well that's a huge variable from almost zero right back up to 100%

So can I ask you two questions? What percentage would you say our owners membership of his emaratis government has had a direct impact on all the atrocities that have been reported to have been carried out?

Do you think the negative coverage of our owner is in fair proportion to the amount of direct influence you think he has had?
There are ridiculous scenarios where due to seeding and TV groupings teams just get put in groups and there’s effectively no draw. I remember a few years ago Liverpool didn’t get drawn just put in a group because they couldn’t go in any other group due to stupid tv rules whereby they couldn’t play when other teams were playing. The whole CL draw is contrived and manipulated.

No arguments with that, like I said in another post, with the exception of national sides I would chuck everyone in the pot regardless of historical results, tv etc.
Can you not suggest I am being dumb or not reading things. I have read the article I am aware of what you said about the Qatari backing and the Indian firm and the pretending to be a real newspaper. All of which is wrong but is it fake news ? There are no specific examples in what I read nor any examples of anything that was wrong. All it said was the UAEs attacking Yemen. This is true. and that the UAE has human rights issues. This is also true. Now the Qataris are probably just as bad if not worse but thats besides the point. So again what is the actual fake news In this context ?

Since when did the UAE attack Yemen ? For your information they are allies. Whilst the bent media love to brainwash people into believing Yemen and the Saudis are slaughtering innocents, it is simply not true. There was an uprising in Yemen, the insurgents were backed financially and armed by Iran. Yemen look to stop this terrorist attack and sought the help of other allies within that region. Yes innocent people have died that is the nature of insurgents and their terrorist attacks, when we went into Iraq (fuck knows why) many innocents died and as a result of our actions, Iran is now basically in charge of that country and many many people are killed on a daily basis. So perhaps our human rights record needs addressing.

and don't start me on Syria...….
You show me what our owner has to do with human rights abuses,you sound brainwashed by the media

I think City are to a large extent a lightning rod for anti-Saudi action - so attacks on the allies like UAE, and supporting Qatar. City are one of the biggest names associated, and probably the most resonant in the UK, and are being used as a big (oil-soaked?) straw man.

McGeehan of the "must link everything to City" group mentioned this network was found 2 months ago, and he appears to have absolutely no cause to point out anti-Saudi activity.
Since when did the UAE attack Yemen ? For your information they are allies. Whilst the bent media love to brainwash people into believing Yemen and the Saudis are slaughtering innocents, it is simply not true. There was an uprising in Yemen, the insurgents were backed financially and armed by Iran. Yemen look to stop this terrorist attack and sought the help of other allies within that region. Yes innocent people have died that is the nature of insurgents and their terrorist attacks, when we went into Iraq (fuck knows why) many innocents died and as a result of our actions, Iran is now basically in charge of that country and many many people are killed on a daily basis. So perhaps our human rights record needs addressing.

and don't start me on Syria...….

Nor me either, excellent post @Blue Mist !!!!
Fair play to Frank for carrying on his crusade. I’m just wondering if Pigeoniho is on here under a new account?

Six months ago this thread would have had me all fired up with I told you so’s going back years. It’s a big story but in the great scheme of things at the moment means very little. Which is a shame because I’d love to see our clubs day in court clearing out the shit in football. In other times it would be a news tsunami, it won’t register a ripple now.

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