Micah Richards the pundit

It’s pretty obvious what he meant. That’s his opinion and everyone should be entitled to them.
Opinion is fine but it’s fucking weird to come on this forum and not join in any subjects apart from this one where he’s slagging off a blue who, although a bit wet behind the ears in his new job is still a blue.
Each to their own but he’s a fucking nobhead from the posts I’ve read so far.
Well it's all about opinions and you have yours, Micah has his. Yes I do believe it's his.
I'd go with Mane as well probably.
For me it's not a massive deal. Furloughpool have been phenomenal this season, no escaping that, no matter how much I don't like it. :)
Baffling. Not only is de Bruyne head and shoulders above mane this year but he plays for the club you support. It's not a team award fella, its individual. What the dippers have done this year is immaterial when it comes down to it.
Baffling. Not only is de Bruyne head and shoulders above mane this year but he plays for the club you support. It's not a team award fella, its individual. What the dippers have done this year is immaterial when it comes down to it.
I really don't see why this is niggling you mate. It's just my, and Micah's opinion.
I don't HAVE to vote for a City player because I'm a City fan.
Why can't you just accept someone's opinion is different to yours?
I’m actually baffled by the negativity regarding our Micah on here, he’s not a breath of fresh air, he’s a howling fuckin Blue hurricane as far as I’m concerned. He says what he sees like a true fan but coupled with his inside knowledge of the game and playing consistently at the highest level, it’s great to listen to. I love listening to him as opposed to the sanctimonious twerps we have been subjected to since the PL began... Long may he reign I say, you miserable twats disrespecting him and falsely calling him out for being inept are clueless ....

He needs to keep laughing too, I’m sick of listening to miserable, dour bores talking shite on tv and on here....
I think Micah is a great pundit, as you say, a breath of fresh air.
Kompany is also very good at it, very articulate.
There's having opinions that you're entitled to and crossing a line that football has been trying to cut out.

I agree about crossing a line but just don’t agree that an opinion like that is doing. It is bound to happen at the moment in all kinds of industries. Obviously it’s long overdue but off the back of that some people will benefit who aren’t the most talented in that particular profession.Just like in the past it disgracefully went the other way but with a much higher percentage missing out on things than the few who will stand to benefit now.
Sky lost interest with the Scots accent once they could no longer sell subscriptions in Scotland. The scouse accent is all the rave with them now.

Carry on Micah, it's great to see you as a pundit.
Sky lost interest with the Scots accent once they could no longer sell subscriptions in Scotland. The scouse accent is all the rave with them now.

Carry on Micah, it's great to see you as a pundit.

Yea at least you can understand Micah unlike that horrible high pitch scouser erm, erm, erm, erm accent;). I think it's the worse accent to put on radio or tv it should come with a health warning, this could damage your ears.
Yea at least you can understand Micah unlike that horrible high pitch scouser erm, erm, erm, erm accent;). I think it's the worse accent to put on radio or tv it should come with a health warning, this could damage your ears.
You need to wear a cagoule when talking to em in the flesh too, spitty bastards, Carragher could spread Corona virus in China from Dipperpool...!!

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