CAS judgement: UEFA ban overturned, City exonerated (report out p603)

Absolutely buzzing, just trying to absorb what it means in the short term for us.

Feel good factor to the end of the season? CHECK

Freedom to attract the best options in the transfer market this summer? CHECK

Disappearance of any fears our best players would want to leave? CHECK

Piss boiling at our major rivals for the foreseeable? CHECK

Media stunned into silence or change of strategy towards us? MMMNN BELIEVE IT WHEN I SEE IT.

What a fucking relief to have this millstone removed from our necks.
We haven’t been exonerated, as such.

Reading it, it seems like UEFA couldn’t prove we were guilty to a good enough extent so the ban has been overturned but it hasn’t been proven that we did nothing wrong.

This is great for the club being able to play in the CL next season and ongoing, but hasn’t done anything for our reputation like being absolved of guilt/proven innocence would have done.

We have been exonerated of everything except failing to co-operate with UEFA's flawed investigation.

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