CAS judgement: UEFA ban overturned, City exonerated (report out p603)

The one bit I don’t get is why we didn’t push the point more around why we didn’t comply with UEFA in the investigation. We had a legitimate reason not to for me but we basically made CAS’s mind up for them by saying UEFA were justified to investigate. We should have said it never justified an investigation and kept to that line throughout.
I don't think we should be surprised by the media's reaction. Pure advertising now only accounts for 14% of revenue. Reader revenue is more than 85%! If you can create a villain Club all the related content will be 'bought' by fans of the other clubs. You only lose one club's fans. My dad was a photographer and he joined one of the largest national newspapers in the late 1930's. One very important lesson he taught me many years ago was "don't believe what you read in the 'papers".
David Conn should be issued with a writ. He’s basically saying CAS were corrupt and City’s nominee had a conflict of interest. CAS make a ruling thar Conn doesn’t like so the prick calls foul.
It's all sour grapes mate. What did you expect from a wanker like Conn.
They are yes.

I wish I didn't let it get to me however the club continually gets trashed daily and I'm sick of it.
Just turn it off, its a much brighter life :)

I turned the "written media" off a number of years ago (due to something written about a friend that was utter bollocks - and proved so), so I haven't bought any edition in longer than 10 years, and I won't click their sites either, I hope they all go out of business, and they would if people stopped buying/clicking.

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