COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Wales 3 wks ago v 2 wks v last wk v today

Deaths 5 v 10 v 7 v 4 today - significant fall here.

Cases 764 v 1168 v 1207 v 1119 today - bit harder to judge - not as good as Scotland but if the levelling off/fall continues good news.
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England hospital deaths 3 wks ago v 2 wks v last week, v today

87/43 NW v 134/57 NW v 207/77 NW v 225/ 80 NW today.

That is a big slow down in the weekly increase again (54% v 55% v 9%) and about the same NW, or down a little.
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Easy - anyone who doesn't Hands/Face/Space or thinks going to a freind's house for long lasting social interaction or going out on a pub crawl or out to a rave/party is a good idea.
Far too many of the fuckwhits about to be honest.

There are 3 types of people;

1) People who don't give a flying F*** and do whatever regardless, not helpful and will keep us in this situation as the rate of inspection is clearly the determining factor
2) People who think covid-19 is the worst disease ever and watch their daily fix of scare tv on the BBC news and want to lock themselves up or have the government do it for them until it is all gone, unrealistic
3) and people who want to see a sense of balance installed to deal with it as best we can and not end up flat broke and a Nation of zombies who have forgotten how to socialise.

Because the government hasn't been clear from the start and everything they implement seems to be illogical, the longer this goes on the more people you will see reverting to type 1. We will see what happens over Christmas when they tell households to not see their families and spend it alone, it's not going to happen. I am in category 3, but I am lucky I have a secure job and can work from home. If I didn't and was losing the ability to provide for myself and my family I would be going nuts now. We all want a collective effort it seems, but we are not all in the same boat....

Backing up what some have been saying on here based on Healdplace's stats. The tier systems were working and should have been persisted with. Lockdown is based on models on old data rather than using the most up to date figures. Unfortunately we will never know if the tier system would have been a success.
The famous R number is currently about 1.
The government and the scientists want it below 1 so, I think it’s fair to say, they’ll all be congratulating each other on being terribly clever, come December 2nd and Christmas will be saved.......
There are 3 types of people;

1) People who don't give a flying F*** and do whatever regardless, not helpful and will keep us in this situation as the rate of inspection is clearly the determining factor
2) People who think covid-19 is the worst disease ever and watch their daily fix of scare tv on the BBC news and want to lock themselves up or have the government do it for them until it is all gone, unrealistic
3) and people who want to see a sense of balance installed to deal with it as best we can and not end up flat broke and a Nation of zombies who have forgotten how to socialise.

Because the government hasn't been clear from the start and everything they implement seems to be illogical, the longer this goes on the more people you will see reverting to type 1. We will see what happens over Christmas when they tell households to not see their families and spend it alone, it's not going to happen. I am in category 3, but I am lucky I have a secure job and can work from home. If I didn't and was losing the ability to provide for myself and my family I would be going nuts now. We all want a collective effort it seems, but we are not all in the same boat....
No 1, agree with
No 2, OTT (imo)
No 3, no one has proposed a workable solution to achieve this (again imo)
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