How is everyone coping?



We all need to try and support each other on here at the moment as blues. This winter has been brutal probably the toughest time many of us have known. Not easy for any of us.

hang on in there blues - one day we will all be at David Silvas testimonial!
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Well it has been kind of tough, there is the boredom of not being able to do much and to be honest it is all becoming a chore. I stay in bed until 11 now just to make the day shorter. I then just look out the back window for an hour or so. I'd watch TV but it is broken and the batteries in my radio are flat. To try and brighten up diner I sometimes have toast rather than a normal sandwich and then it's the afternoon. Not much happens then either but if you have looked out the window in the morning there is no point in doing it again in the afternoon, that would be silly. At the moment I am trying to make a bird table but I haven't got a saw, or a hammer so it is quite hard to do. I don't get any birds in the garden anyway so I don't know why I am making one to be honest. The evenings are the worst though so I often go to bed early but thank you for asking anyway.
My back is ruined working from home, the upper part feels really weird and sore, I get out and walk for 20 mins twice a day to try and combat it but it doesn’t work.
Same. Thought about getting a raised desk or platform for my computers....
Gym being closed hasn’t helped...stick a bout of horrid COVID19 in and my body is out of whack.
Got told in Oct my BP is high.
'work on that, Mr Barlow'
Bought a little machine and kept registering severe hypertension. Meh.
Went in today for bloods and asked for a BP check. After two tests, one on each arm, nurse said I can't leave. Panic sets in. Refers me to senior nurse, who uses the old hand pump machine.
And here is the bloody killer. 'your BP is in the normal range. The machine you use at home and the one here today, well the sleeves are too small for your arms.
4 months of worry for nothing. Within the space of 30 minutes I went from being told I can't leave the doctor, which made me think I was being rushed to hospital, to being told my BP is normal.

Straight to the pork scratchings and keg aisles after that!
Same. Thought about getting a raised desk or platform for my computers....
Gym being closed hasn’t helped...stick a bout of horrid COVID19 in and my body is out of whack.
I’ve got some dumbbells that I’ve been using but again it’s not sorting the back out.

Cant really order a new chair as got nowhere to put it and my house is full of stuff the for the baby.

I’ve been trying different cushions to straighten my back but that doesn’t seem to work either.

Work are sending me my actual desktop out so I might try that somewhere and work standing up.
My back is ruined working from home, the upper part feels really weird and sore, I get out and walk for 20 mins twice a day to try and combat it but it doesn’t work.

Yoga has saved my back and knees it really has. Loads of free stuff online too. Used to take the piss out of it, now I find it as necessary as lifting weight.

How am I coping? Day at a time. Find the positive in everything no mater how small.

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