Why does the club allow poor journalism? Is this the worst article ever?

We/City have every right to be offended! If it was a one off article, or the odd article every now and again, you'd have a point, but it's not, it's a continual, funded, and a well orchestrated campaign of attacks on City by rival clubs through the sports and social media, via selected, sympathetic, and paid (shill) journalists.

Question. Has Tony Evans ever wrote an article asking why Liverpool Football Club renewed a 4 year, £160mill, shirt sponsorship deal with Standard Chartered, even though FSG and Liverpool must have known Standard Chartered were involved in money laundering and other serious criminal offences. See link.(1 of many articles)

Standard Chartered Bank's Long History Of Financial Crime​

Imagine if Standard Chartered sponsored City's shirt. Tony Evans would have a field day. You'd never hear the last of it from him.
Being offended is a choice. Anyone who gets offended by something has chosen to be offended by it. I’m not sure I’ve been offended by anything in my adult life.

Having gone to secondary school in the 90s, I don’t think anyone could say anything to me that would do much more than make me raise one eyebrow like Carlo Ancelotti. Going to school with gobby Rags at a time when they were at their highest and we were at our lowest gave me a resilience that shaped my whole attitude, for life.

Even when someone is trying to be personally offensive to me, it’s like water off a duck’s back.

I mean, I will argue the incorrect points these journos make all day (I am often prone to very long and boring posts bringing up facts and figures across various topics, doing so). As I said in a thread recently, if it wasn’t for us posting facts on figures on this website, a lot of the truth about City wouldn’t be in circulation within football at all.

I completely agree with you, in that, the hypocrisy, the lies, the slander, the anti-UAE agenda from journos with links to Qatar, the anti-City agenda from journos with links to the Cartel or US owners, and you could possibly even argue that there’s an anti-Islam or racist undertone to some journalists; is consistent and never decreasing, every year, every week, every day.

But none of it should offend us, and we should always remember how thick our skin used to be as a set of fans. Nothing used to bother us.

City give these cunts the attention they deserve at their level... ie fuck all! It’s up to us to argue the points these journos make (although I’d be very inclined to never post a link to any of their articles or Twitter accounts, and only reference them) and get the real truth about the Sheikh and City out there when it’s needed.

But, if anything, I embrace this shit. I love it! I don’t want to be liked by the media. I find it cringeworthy when Sky or BT (mainly BT when they have Savage and Fletch on commentary) go over the top with United/Liverpool level adulation from the media... I want to know exactly who hates us. I don’t want to be accepted as another United/Liverpool. I want to remain a subculture club, we should never strive to be mainstream!

Just think, with every win, with every trophy won, every year we’re a threat at the top to the Cartel... these stories might well be constant... but so will all of these cunts’ unhappiness in seeing City succeed! Think of them squirming in their seats at home every time we score or win, throwing their remote across the room as they watch us break records, and their huffing and puffing at the disappointment of knowing they have to write another bile filled vitriolic piece of shit article the following week to try, and fail, to detract from our successes!
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I hear he is doing one on liverpool on Monday

Money laundering sponsor = tick
Getting all English team ban from Europe = tick
Attacking aposing team coach = tick
Trying to form a closed shop league = tick
Ignoring lockdown guidelines = tick
Hacking opponents pc's = tick
Head hunting from other clubs = tick
Attacking local landmarks = tick
Always chelsea = tick
Buying up local house leaving the area derelict = tick
Failing FFP twice = tick
Have the press/media like their arses =tick
Explayer in the press/media gobbing at little girls ( and still keep his job ) = tick
Goalkeepers throwing the ball into their own net to help liverpool = tick
Signing VAR = tick
Never liverpool's fault = tick
Worst title defence ever = tick
Best excuse when they lose = tick
Cant play without fans = tick
The worst Fan's in the world = tick
Worst accent in the world = tick
What's work ? = tick
First trophy in 1966 short istory = tick
Breaking loads of records last season = er no lol
you missed :Taking part poorest CL final in the history of European Football
I sometimes wonder if these kind of articles are a deliberate attempt to bait the club into taking action so that these so called journalists can claim their freedom of speech is being attacked by an oppressive regime and then they can say 'See.. I told you so'.
Yet another reason why people need to stop getting so riled up with our own club for not stepping in. We've been rising above it for thirteen years now and it's working.
It is reasonable for City to correct false information published about us by any media outlet. It is just business and protection of our brand.

Reasonable perhaps, foolish definitely.

The problem with a situation like this is simple, if you engage, even on a matter of fact, you legitimise, you open up the "issue" for debate.

Does the club want to debate this "issue" with the media? Knowing the "issue" will be framed by the media, specifically our media?

The answer is no.

Hence our silence.
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Around the time of the CAS judgement, I let these glorified fanzine trolls bother me more than I should have as it felt like they were using their platform to try and remove impartiality from the judgement process and ultimately to influence the decision to the advantage of their morally bankrupt paymasters.

But they had their chance, and fucked it by overplaying their hand. If their support for finding us guilty had been based on facts, they might have had more credibility and therefore influence - but regrettably for them, the facts didn’t support their agenda. So they lied instead, which did an excellent job at removing their credibility and also diminishing any sting their words might have had.

Now they’re just engaged in an increasingly irrelevant and marginal smear campaign - which is losing currency with every passing day.

Fact is - we no longer have to care what they say. It means nothing, and is now reduced to little more than providing succour to Liverpool and United fans who need reassurance as their teams can’t beat us where it matters - on the pitch, over the course of a season.

They had their moment, achieved the square root of fuck all when it mattered most, and are now back to essentially writing fanzine articles in an echo chamber of increasing irrelevance.

Just ignore them - don’t click, don’t read, and don’t give them the oxygen they simply do not deserve.
Meanwhile Sam Wallace in the Telegraph goes in hard on United. His big buddy Neil Ashton won't be pleased.
Behind a paywall but for those who know how it should be accessible:

"There is certainly no shortage of ideas when it comes to taming the game’s billionaire arrivistes, or reworking the domestic and European game to the advantage of United and fellow storied franchises. But tick tock goes the clock. Almost eight years since Ferguson departed and no closer to a title. Season by season City are building an empire, one which United are quite capable of fighting on their resources. They just do not know how."

“Tick tock” hahahaha thats a blast from the past. And it came true
Reasonable perhaps, foolish definitely.

The problem with a situation like this is simple, if you engage, even on a matter of fact, you legitimise, you open up the issue for debate.

Does the club want this debate opened up in the media? Our media? The answer is no.

Hence our silence.
I wasn't suggesting having a slanging match in public. There are more subtle ways of handling these issues and I am sure we will already be using them. You must never give oxygen to the trolls but even an organisation like the Independent doesn't like being made to look stupid by publishing inaccurate information. There is a reason why Evans is now a freelance though he used to hold a prestigious position in the UK media as Football Editor of The Times.

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