Why does the club allow poor journalism? Is this the worst article ever?

Meanwhile Sam Wallace in the Telegraph goes in hard on United. His big buddy Neil Ashton won't be pleased.
Behind a paywall but for those who know how it should be accessible:

"There is certainly no shortage of ideas when it comes to taming the game’s billionaire arrivistes, or reworking the domestic and European game to the advantage of United and fellow storied franchises. But tick tock goes the clock. Almost eight years since Ferguson departed and no closer to a title. Season by season City are building an empire, one which United are quite capable of fighting on their resources. They just do not know how."

Fuck me! A sports journalist reporting the actual, factual news. Been a long time since anyone other than Samual has had the capacity for that!
I’ve not read this article. But we have definitely become too sensitive and easily offended as a set of fans. We used to have the thickest skin in football, now we get upset by some ridiculously small things.
I agree.
Pre SM takeover every Monday was a verbal battle to justify why I supported City.
In those days everything was wrong, we were bad, badly run, played badly and had just one thing going for us ie our supporters. They say the truth hurts but frankly I enjoyed their banter and said "so what" to them.

The difference today is that our enemies have to invent things to criticize us for. Our football speaks for itself but our management and ownership have become the target. Without actually saying it their silence is their version of "so what".

Personally I think our ownership etc. is more than capable of looking after itself so become City fans of old and laugh at those who have an Agenda of hate against us.
This seems to be the new narrative since City’s winning run that we’ve killed competition in the Premier League. I don’t recall these articles between 1973 and 1990 when
Liverpool won 11 titles in 18 seasons backed by Littlewoods Pools money (funnily enough when the Pools was replaced by the Lottery in the early nineties Liverpool didn’t win another title for 30 years, make of that what you will) or when Manchester United won 13 of the first 21 Premier League titles.
The fact is if you were to take City and Chelsea out of the equation then our league would be dominated by one club akin to Germany or Italy or possibly two clubs as in Spain.
Meanwhile Sam Wallace in the Telegraph goes in hard on United. His big buddy Neil Ashton won't be pleased.
Behind a paywall but for those who know how it should be accessible:

"There is certainly no shortage of ideas when it comes to taming the game’s billionaire arrivistes, or reworking the domestic and European game to the advantage of United and fellow storied franchises. But tick tock goes the clock. Almost eight years since Ferguson departed and no closer to a title. Season by season City are building an empire, one which United are quite capable of fighting on their resources. They just do not know how."

Ooh. The first worm to turn.
I suspect there will be others but of doubtful sincerity, if we carry on on the Grand March.
I sometimes wonder if these kind of articles are a deliberate attempt to bait the club into taking action so that these so called journalists can claim their freedom of speech is being attacked by an oppressive regime and then they can say 'See.. I told you so'.
That was definitely Ewan MacKenna’s tactic, he could then promote himself as ‘The man they tried to silence’.
When City refused to dignify his insane rants he has now tried the same schtick with the Irish media and Covid. Even his old mates are openly laughing at him now
I found this article to be far better than much of the literature which is no more than crude propaganda for the red tops. I don't object to the phrase "state-sanctioned" because Abu Dhabi certainly seems to me to take a very supportive view of our club and when Khaldoon was made chairman it seemed to me a clear statement that everything was going to be done to ensure that the City "project" did not fail. With such a chairman it is no wonder City are "arguably the best (run club) in the game". Evans is also right to argue that it is well over twenty years since the pressure to compete with European clubs began to change the balance of power in English football and concentrate financial power in the hands of a few rich clubs, of which City were NOT one. What Evans can't do, of course, is establish any state funding of our club because there isn't any. Even the argument about "sportswashing/positive-projection-of-Abu-Dhabi is rather tame. We can argue about whether the appeal of Abu-Dhabi has increased in the face of the campaign launched against them but we can argue that it is no different to any other sponsorship, allowed for over 20 years. It is hard to argue the case for betting companies, state banks (or most others these days) and state owned airlines and many other enterprises being more acceptable ethically. On the main thesis of the article - that City are too good for the PL and may dominate for a long time to come - I do have some concern. I enjoy City winning everything, I want that quadruple badly and I do want my grandchildren to enjoy doubles, trebles and quadruples and I don't agree that other clubs have never dominated for long periods - United won 13 of the first PL titles and many other trophies on the back of total financial domination. But if City do dominate it will be because we are so well run and everything has its time. Much of our present "domination" is down to Pep. And we haven't YET won the CL. So let's wait and see before we say City have ruined football.
Shock horror Liverpool-supporter pens article for the Independent which gets published yesterday. What does it mention?
1. State ownership. Tick
2. Money. Tick
3. Sports-washing. Tick
4. City ruining football. Tick

This fucker (Tony Evans) has been paid to write this shit. It’s about time the club brought these arseholes to task over their lies and continuing digs. What a bellend this fella is.
I think he described Heysel as a 'misunderstanding'
Seems to me he’s just using City as yet another excuse for his beloved Liverpool’s car crash of a season

if they’d been managed properly and not gone into meltdown, they would be right up there with us.. and the bin dipper wouldn’t be playing city bingo

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