The Super League | FA + PL: New Charter & Fines | UEFA: Settlement

Would you be happy if City joined this European Super League?

  • Yes

    Votes: 109 5.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1,954 94.7%

  • Total voters
The proposed changes to the CL are indeed ridiculous but so is having the likes of Spurs in a tournament that they can never been excluded from. This is a club that hasn't won their own league since 1961, has only qualified for the CL on four occasions and has lost 13 out of the 35 games they have ever played in the competition. And whilst the whole CL scenario is grotesque this so called super league is worse
The root of the matter is the CL, it is a tournament I really could not give a fuck about but it has brought about an entrenchment of the elite and we have witnessed first hand the barriers to entry, the ridiculous FFP and countless other idiotic things UEFA have done.

Me, i couldnt give a fuck if we never played CL football again, but the people who run the clubs know that playing CL football makes money. Money brings power, power is then used to make more money, we have seen it with the CL and UEFA with their proposed expansion of the CL have got greedy and the clubs want that money, whilst UEFA want the prestige and power for themselves. The clubs have reacted to UEFA in my opinion and whilst everyone knows that UEFA is bent as fuck , they are the ones who look the good guys here, whilst the clubs look the baddies and look the greedy fuckers.

The proposed Super League is a challenge to UEFA power and I support that, because UEFA have created the problem themselves with their greed. Notice there was no real furore over the new proposed CL changes which in effect was creating a situation that was akin to a super league without the money from it being shared to those who played in it. How can you have a CL when teams like Spurs who haven't been champions since 1961 are in it. Its a farce and it makes a mockery of the name CL.

Therefore a breakaway mid week league with the clubs taking the money rather than UEFA benefitting from it is in my mind no bad thing. I have an issue with the teams involved of course but that is because of tribal loyalties. Take away the tribal loyalties and look at it and the idea makes perfect sense to me. I may not agree with it but that isn't the point as I have choice in the matter , but the clubs themselves have to look after their own finances and think of what's best for their profitability. That is how capitalism works, all the owners of a number of the clubs involved care about is profit, they do not have the tribal loyalty we as fans have, they have not stood on the terraces freezing cold on a wet Wednesday in Walsall, they will be thinking of the money they can make and to do that they have to have the best most sellable product. A ESL is a sellable product not to us as fans who go the match, but to the millions across the world who will pay for it on their TVs. Every game no doubt will be live available on a pay per view platform and as COVID has proven, fans being at matches does not distract from the football at all. In fact stadium revenue is now a small part of a clubs income and as fans in the ground are limited by size of the stadium, the TV audience is only limited by the amount of TV sets in the world. And as we have seen some games in the PL like the derby was watched by 100 million in China alone.

As fans we are stuck, we have blind loyalty, we don't change clubs like you would change washing powders, you are stuck with it and the biggest clubs who are linked to the ESL all have enormous fan bases around the world. The potential for making money is simply enormous and as we all know living in a capitalist society, making money by the rich elite is always given priority over the desires and needs of the ordinary joe.

The PL is also in a bind, because it makes money, it will not want to see the most glamourous clubs walk away because it will cost them in terms of TV deals, so i reckon the PL will OK it for clubs to play in the midweek ESL and the PL will still make money and it will just entrench the big six at the top of the PL . Because they will be so rich because of ESL no other team can compete.

All the clubs have done really is follow the same economic model that has been prevalent in the western world since the rise of Reaganomics and Thatcherism, they are behaving in a neo-liberal manner and it is hypocritical as fuck for this government that champions this sort of economics to be against clubs practising what has been preached for so long.

Do i support an ESL, yes in theory because it would be madness not too for our club, do I agree with it, no because it is against my anti capitalist principles.

The thing is in this world, money always wins, because money brings power and power brings about the chance to make more money.
For decades fans of City have derided the fans of clubs like Liverpool, Utd & Arsenal as being glory-hunters, only 'supporting' their team because they've been successful.

Here we are with some of our 'fans' (not many thankfully) in favour of this abomination of an idea because, well, the alternative is City not being successful.

The very definition of glory-hunters.
Can I respectfully ask were you embarrassed when we were taken over, went onto spend huge sums of money to give us the decade of success we are currently enjoying? Overtaking other clubs in the process?

No I wasn't. I don't need to explain my feelings, but I will. We were given the opportunity to catch up with the others, something which I never thought I'd see in my lifetime. We had been overtaken ourselves, don't forget, and for years were a standing joke to the rest of football. I am embarrassed now because City have signed up with a bunch of clubs who tried to put us down. The same clubs who effectively shut the door on any other club having the good fortune we have enjoyed. I have never been comfortable with the CL format but this is the rich protecting the rich more than ever before. We made a stand on FFP & won. For what ? That's why I am embarrassed that our Club is part of this.

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