Climate Change is here and man made

Bit unfair to take one part of my post and throw it back at me: what is your view on the Chinese issue?

I'm trying to say that if people my age (mid-fifties) are forced into destitution on the back of the UK bringing in its own green policies, whilst China carries on polluting the planet, resentment will ensure. Resentment towards other countries and resentment towards previous generations. Then there will be a backlash against the whole eco-concept from some people & that won't help - we all need to work together.

I realise to voice anything even remotely 'anti-green' in 2021 is a bit of a 'No-No', like many other topics, but I don't care, I will say what I think.

Where is there any indication people here will be forced into destitution?

I think you will also find that nearly every one of the worlds superpowers is now going to fall in line, so I don't disagree with you that it needs collective action.
Where is there any indication people here will be forced into destitution?

I think you will also find that nearly every one of the worlds superpowers is now going to fall in line, so I don't disagree with you that it needs collective action.

Where is the indication that: nearly every one of the worlds superpowers is now going to fall in line? By-the-way, 'nearly every one' is not good enough, its like saying: "Captain, we have managed to seal nearly all the holes in the Titanic..."

From again, I paste it as it is a paid news site:

"...even with treaties like the Paris Agreement, dozens of countries, including the United States and China, have failed to meet their promises.

The real point is how little thought goes into the politics of climate change. Since 1990, Britain has cut its carbon emissions at almost twice the rate of the European Union, and was the first country to put its net-zero objective into law.

With Britain responsible for around 1 per cent of global carbon emissions, does it really make sense to further increase industrial energy prices, make domestic energy bills unaffordable, and impose all sorts of other costs on consumers and taxpayers to reach net zero before everybody else?"
We've known for a while that eating animals and animal products contributes more greenhouse gas emissions than the ENTIRE transport sector. Yet so few people are willing to make a change or discuss this, because it's a daily part of our lives and it tastes good. We simply can't sustain 8 billion people on an omnivorous diet.

I've two young kids, but the health and environmental benefits are huge. I want to level with them in the future that we did what we felt was the best step forwards. We're trying our best to make a change as a family.

The best thing you can do instead of whining & telling people what they need to do or not do is get involved in coming up with workable solutions to the problems. Young people who want to make a difference should study subjects in areas where they can work for companies that do this. Just telling people to stop eating meat or driving cars won't do anything. The way out is through innovation not posting shit on social media.
Too many people. That’s the principal issue. Hopefully nature will find a way of reducing humanity’s numbers without wiping the species out. I reckon around a billion would be a sustainable number for the planet.
Mother Nature comes up with Covid as a starter and all we do is try to stop her………

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