PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

You know, I don't recall any great fuss about human rights abuses in the UAE before Mansour bought City.

So either the abuses only started after the purchase of City, or there are a lot of fucking hypocrites about.

If only we were as picky about the dodgy human rights records of certain other countries. Including the UK.
I think some of it just comes down to personal 'pride' to some extent. He puts himself out there as an 'expert', so he's desperate to be proven right, or what does his opinion become worth?

He picked his side a long time ago and everything that happens that goes against his opinion, and the feedback that he gets (some fair and reasoned, some I'm sure less polite) just gets him more and more defensive.

If he had any sense he'd start working his way back to the middle ground, before he totally loses the plot.

Ship's sailed.

City are now his primary focus, sports journalism is just the platform through which he can voice his thoughts.

Don't even want to think about what it'd do to his mental state if these charges against us are dropped.

If the charges are dropped it will be blamed on a backhander without any evidence at all and it won’t change anything.

We need a full hearing and a clear judgment based on the facts. If the judgment goes completely in our favour it’s difficult to imagine how he handles it.

What’s most likely is that the judgment will be in our favour for all the most important charges and we’ll be found guilty on a small number of minor procedural charges. That will be enough to keep the **** going.

When CAS decided in our favour, the 2 or 3 journalists who've made this their raison d'etre decided it was the problem. No concerns were raised before the hearing, but when it delivered the "wrong" verdict they tried to undermine it.

If every single decision at the PL hearing went our way, including the non-cooperation etc., the same journalists would just balme the PL.

They've seen the emails and they've decided it's proof of what they think has been going on, no matter how many court cases go against that narrative.
A very strange phenomena, i don't know what it is but our success seems to have unhinged Harris, Delaney etc, another one to be placed on suicide watch should be Goldbridge who claims something as innocuous as a two minute pre match laser show is to deflect from having empty seats (no explanation how said seats were full when light show ended) very odd.

They are disenfranchised with modern football, obsessed with nostalgia for a game long gone that never actually existed and see CFG/City as the cause of that rather than a symptom or byproduct.
They are disenfranchised with modern football, obsessed with nostalgia for a game long gone that never actually existed and see CFG/City as the cause of that rather than a symptom or byproduct.
Their original concern was as I remember that football was a special sector of business so normal business methods were not applicable.

Our owner has proved that theory to be wrong. The basic FFP rules were simply a rip off of normal business practice in the real world. Obviously they changed debt to be ok and investment to be strictly controlled and presented it as novel financial and fair control.

There they are correct because I am unaware of any other sector of normal business that restricts investment yet seems to condone debt.

Just an opinion.
I bumped into an old buddy in town today, he's an Evertonian, we went for a coffee and he told me the following, strictly on the QT...
The week before the charges were announced four clubs demanded a video conference with PL Chief Exec Richard Masters. One of the clubs execs led the meeting let's say "TH". He requested the latest status of the PL investigation into MCFC. He was told it was effectively stalled with no progress. Then on behalf of all four clubs TH demanded the PL proceed with all possible charges irrespective of the prospects of winning. After a series of threats were made by TH, Masters capitulated and agreed to rush the charges through before the announcement of the White Paper. That's why there were so many errors in the published charges requiring numerous corrections.The club are confident this is a golden opportunity to resolve these issues once and for all.
I bumped into an old buddy in town today, he's an Evertonion, we went for a coffee and he told me the following, strictly on the QT...
The week before the charges were announced four clubs demanded a video conference with PL Chief Exec Richard Masters. One of the clubs execs led the meeting let's say "TH". He requested the latest status of the PL investigation into MCFC. He was told it was effectively stalled with no progress. Then on behalf of all four clubs TH demanded the PL proceed with all possible charges irrespective of the prospects of winning. After a series of threats were made by TH, Masters capitulated and agreed to rush the charges through before the announcement of the White Paper. That's why there were so many errors in the published charges requiring numerous corrections.The club are confident this is a golden opportunity to resolve these issues once and for all.

TH you say? That fucking @tolmie's hairdoo again :(

Edit: Btw, I love stories like this. Take them or leave them, the thread would bore us all to death with just lawyers and accountants discussing the finer details of the Companies Acts.

Good on you OP. Now be prepared for abuse :)
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