The Labour Government

My ideology of controlling immigration to sustainable levels? You're the one promoting modern slavery so that in time you may not have to wipe your own backside.

I doubt anyone in your life would care to care for you though.

Do you really think the last government granted 1.4m visas in the last 2 years for shits and giggles?
Do you really think the last government granted 1.4m visas in the last 2 years for shits and giggles?

I don't know why they did it, seems like your lot cherry pick things they do if you agree with them or not. They tried to get to send people to Rwanda do you agree with that?

My thoughts are not aligned with the Tory party, and you're way too stupid to try and read my mind and attributing what they do to me.

And it was over 3 million visas, is your google out of date? Blame it on Brexit!
I've know Angela for a number of years, well before she was an MP anyway. Same with her ex-husband. I'm not sure what it is about ordinary, working class people that upsets you and your like so much, but there are many more people out there who think her rise from hardship has been inspirational.
This may come as a surprise to you, but you don't need to have a plummy voice to be a politician any more than you need a university degree. In fact, no qualifications are required at all to be an MP or even PM. And as Boris Johnson's tenure would testify, a second in unrelated Classics is, well, pointless.
Perhaps you live in an age inside your head where Britain is still run by men in bowler hats like my boss at the MoD (although that was 37 years ago!) or top hats like Rees-Mogg, and BBC broadcasters wear dinner jacket to read the news out on the wireless.
Maybe you can't - or won't - drag yourself into the 21st Century where everyone can have a place regardless of creed, colour, religion or gender.
And yes, that would include working class people too. Surely something we should celebrate rather than denigrate?
With every passing day now, the nightmare of 14 years of hopeless, hateful and chaotic Tory rule will get more and more distant in the wing mirrors of everyday life - a bit like United and Liverpool have done, although - unlike the Tories - they do still have a few greatest hits to fall back on!

Extreme lefty likes extreme lefty who has NVQ level 2 and is running our country shocker!
Extreme lefty likes extreme lefty who has NVQ level 2 and is running our country shocker!
Do you not think you can grow as a person after leaving education?
That life experience can give you a better idea of what people want rather than a masters or degree in some random subject?
I’d trust her over the majority of cunts you’ve had systematically ruining the country you claim to love over the last 14 years.
You throwing your toys out of the pram is the cherry on top of the big beautiful cake.
In short, either we have an ageing population with more care needs and triple-locked pensions to be paid for by a diminishing workforce, or we allow immigration. Call the latter a pyramid scheme if you want, but it's how the cities have grown - from the industrial revolution drawing people to the North, to mechanisation killing rural jobs. My grandfather and his brother "left the land" and migrated to the North - and started a building firm (so provided more infrastructure than they used).

And I've cited umpteen times that immigration often means wealth-building innovation. Just in this region: Beyer-Peacock, Renold Chains, ICI, Ferranti. Even in retail: M&S, and where would Macclesfield be without Arighi-Bianci?

I don't know why they did it, seems like your lot cherry pick things they do if you agree with them or not. They tried to get to send people to Rwanda do you agree with that?

My thoughts are not aligned with the Tory party, and you're way too stupid to try and read my mind and attributing what they do to me.

And it was over 3 million visas, is your google out of date? Blame it on Brexit!
No they didn’t.

You are confusing asylum applicants with regular immigrants who require visas to live here.. which are not granted unless they have skills the government of the day considers we are short of. Like nurses or midwifes.

You see, complex issues don’t admit simple solutions. Turns out, leaving the EU means we don’t have a ready supply of mobile labour any more. So when we don’t have enough nurses,say, the government understands we either grant visas to nurses who want to come here or we carry on with the shortage.

So apart from visas granted because, say, an English bloke marries an American and they decide to set up home here, visas are granted to people we need.

Because If they hadn’t we wouldn’t have enough nurses. Or midwifes.

Turns out saying “no immigration” isn’t the simple answer even the last Government thought it was.

And none of this has anything to do with small boats and asylum seekers.
Extreme lefty likes extreme lefty who has NVQ level 2 and is running our country shocker!

She isn't actually an extreme lefty. She's been described as being part of the soft left. Corbyn was part of the Hard left of the Labour party.

If you had practiced the same commitment to education as you preach you would have known that.

Deputy PM isn't a particularly powerful position and the last person to hold the office that she holds is someone with a cocaine problem who used a grace and favours apartment that he wasn't ordinarily entitled to, as his post divorce bachelor pad.

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