Raheem Sterling - Done - See main forum

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You're wasting your time mate. In the eyes of Liverpool fans it's only right that City fans cheered Milner even though he was leaving on a free. It was the right and proper thing to do because he was leaving to go to Liverpool, the biggest and bestest club in the land, with the most knowledgeable and bestest fan base. Just as it's right for Liverpool to vilify Sterling for wanting to leave the biggest and bestest club in the world lah. Because in their tiny brain washed minds, anyone who wants to leave Liverpool must be an evil, money grabbing, morally bankrupt, little liar.
We haven't seen a club and fanbase act so appallingly since Everton over Lescott. I wonder what they both have in common? Is it because they're both Scouse or perhaps it's because its the last clear and unmistakeable sign that we are now a bigger club than them in the eyes of the players.

[round of applause]
Maybe, just maybe, if Liverpool hadn't played this whole saga through the media and kept the negotiations private and professional this matter may have been sorted to everyone's satisfaction by now without all the petty squabbling. Although everyone knew Jimmy was off there were hardly any comments by the club, player, agent, ex -players, kit man etc. Liverpool need to have a long look at themselves over this saga and ask how it could and should have been handled better.

Absolutely right. It's been very reminiscent of the Lescott saga, with the scousers playing the hard done by salt of the earth club being assailed by "moneybags" City. They've badly miscalculated.
More politics me thinks. Can see a deal being done within the next few days, especially considering the bindippers are off on Sunday for preseason.
Maybe City will move on. I can't see any club bidding anything like as much in the circumstances of his contract and dispute
There's one thing that if Sterling does end up here, the bad blood will increase between City and Liverpool fans, with lots of venom aimed at us by the scousers.
Their support are effectively been asked to choose between club and player, and most go along with the club. Maybe that will change when Rodgers loses his job. Must be a lot of players in the LFC dressing room, especially the homegrown players who must be looking at this with dismay. It will kill their chances next season.
Do you know what I find it laughable that many people on here are applauding Sterling and his agents behaviour. If the shoe was on the other foot and Sterling had been playing for City he would have been absolutely slaughtered and rightly so. He is not doing his reputation any good whatsoever. Even Berahino who was since as a troublesome kid has ditched Ward.
People who keep saying it's done and dusted and this is all just 'posturing' make me laugh.

Would Sterling really be calling in sick and asking to be removed from the tour if Liverpool had agreed to sell?

I'm sure if he was confident, or it was sealed, he'd behave knowing an announcement was imminent.
I really despise the majority of Liverpool fans.

I hope sterling does not turn up for work again today! get him signed up today city offer them the £50,000,000 they want, they will only waste it on shite
Fine line when it comes down to naivity. Yes right now logic is that his position is becoming or has already become 'untenable'. However this does not mean we should be complacent or arrogant in negotiations.

Throughout history, players have done dramatic u-turns. You really think if Sterling came out tomorrow with a huge public apology to all Liverpool fans admitting he's been young, naive and poorly advised (and even considered parting company with Ward), that he's seeking support from Steve Peters and other welfare staff and has personally apologised to Rodgers assuring him of a change of heart and perspective and hence signs a new improved 5 year contract - that Liverpool's supporter base are going park up outside his house and continue abusing him? Are they bollocks. In the same way as Utd's 'global' fickle fan base still cheer on Rooney and many on her still cheered on tevez and toure.

Im not for one second suggesting this is likely to happen but this deal needs concluding now asap before 'untenable' actually creates a situation where sterling has nowhere to go. We want this player. We cant afford to have another summer of missing targets.

Some excellent points mate!;)
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