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  1. B

    We're all going on a German Holiday!!!

    Are you this man?
  2. B

    Euro Shambles

    Is the Atheneum open again now on our matchday? Know it stopped opening sometime ago when City played because of trouble.
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    We're all going on a German Holiday!!!

    Can you fit over 100ml of toothpaste on a single tootbrush? ;-) Okay will bear that in mind. Don't want dog breath when I'm banging away at a brass do I?
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    We're all going on a German Holiday!!!

    I know, apparently you can't take tootpaste on a plane either. I might just put a little bit on my toothbrush, put it in my pocket and hope for the best.
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    We're all going on a German Holiday!!!

    Only people that use the word "uncool" are uncool. Nothing wrong with 3/4 shorts.
  6. B

    We're all going on a German Holiday!!!

    Forecast it to be 17 degree's celcius on Thursday. In my book thats short sleeves and shorts weather.
  7. B

    Song swap

    I'm well looking forward to Hamburg now. Always a new song at big away games. I'm all for getting the "Shay's electric" one that was mentioned on an earlier thread. Few of my non-Bluemooner mates are onto it now too so with a bit of luck it will catch on over there!
  8. B

    We're all going on a German Holiday!!!

    Can anybody else be arsed with taking luggage? I can't and just want to go with what I have on my back and in my pocket. Exciting post i know, but anybody agree?
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    PLACE YOUR BETS: Frank Ribery

    what an absolute quality first post mate.
  10. B

    My Q and A session with Hughes and a few players...

    ask him if he can say a single sentence without using the word "mindful" or "what we're trying to do here" bet he can't
  11. B

    Anyone in Hamburg Wednesday Night ?

    Checked the weather forecast for Thursday. Sunny. 17 degrees celsius. Packing shorts anyone? : )
  12. B

    Where do the majority of city fans come from?

    Oh dear, get a grip of yourself. He never said anything of the sort. Paranoia is a very bad thing. the voices, the voices.
  13. B

    New chants and songs!!!???

    Are you gay?
  14. B

    Hamburg At Home. Banana, Scarf or Flag Off The club?

    I'm already taking 2 bananas and will be donning my derby scarf. So suppose the flag would be an okay idea.
  15. B

    cITY v Bury 1997/98

    that was the one mate. God they were dark days weren't they. But strangely enjoyable now you look back hey?
  16. B

    cITY v Bury 1997/98

    Okay mate, me neither actually :) Talking of games when it pissed down all night. Anybody remember a game at Maine Road against Leicester in about 95/96 season. It was when they were rebuliding the Kippax and there was only one tier built, all obviously incovered. Me and my dad went to that one...
  17. B

    cITY v Bury 1997/98

    Chill out lad, i was joking with you. No need for the hard man act. Bit of a random request, that is all. what row and seat number in block 230 are you then? ;-)
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    cITY v Bury 1997/98

    ............................................ rag?
  19. B

    Shays Electric...

    Shay's Electric, Superman Stevie's eccentric, Dunnes own goals are expected, Hughes neeeeeds more time!!! I am feeling that is going to really get off the ground in Hamburg!!
  20. B

    A different kind of wish list

    Deep breath lad. Try a comma or a couple of paragraphs perhaps? Other than that, I agree. Maine Road was better for atmosphere and the general type of fans that were there. Unfortunatley no ammount of ranting and moaning is going to take us back there. Kapeesh

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