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  1. V


    He has just been seen at Kiev airport, he was being questioned by immigration officials who have accused him of being an illegal alien..Arf, arf!
  2. V

    Will Tevez leave this summer?

    Re: Tevez for 40 Mil ???? Yeah I reckon you'r spot on there mate. I mean, 40 Mil..That ain't even funny!
  3. V

    Will Tevez leave this summer?

    Tevez for 40 Mil ???? I was just wondering..Tevez for 40mil? Lets be honest, If Andy Carrol is worth 35 Mil and Torres is worth 50 Mil then I think there needs to be a bit of reality thrown in here and personally I would want no less then 75-90 Mil for Tevez 40 mil I reckon the idiot pretend...
  4. V

    can you spend £150 in kiev

    You will pay 200 USD (150 Pounds) For a nice girl here in Kiev. You could, Of course, take a girl off the street for 50USD but you will need the rest of your money to buy Anti Biotic and pay the Doctor. Have fun Boys...Use Condoms. DON'T TAKE THE CHANCE!!!!
  5. V

    In Your Opinion, the Greatest album ever made...

    The Clash Give'em enough rope.
  6. V

    Ukraine MONEY exchange..Please read if coming to Kiev.

    I advise everyone coming to Kiev to bring Euro’s or USD to the Ukraine. Not many exchange banks change Sterling and because the English are in town the banks will be giving a crappy rate for the Pound. Also DO NOT change money with anyone other than OFFICIAL Exchange banks or High street banks...
  7. V

    Bluemoon addiction

    If you are addicted to this shit then you seriously need help...Or simply get a life!
  8. V

    Rick I was hoping!!

    I was hoping that you would make my post sticky for the benefit if people coming to Kiev...Please try. I will be posting something about weather and money in the morning..Please take a look if you are coming to Kiev.
  9. V

    Some tips for Kiev.

    I don't know what percentage of girls will be blonde or how many fans will be coming to Coms...But I think you can expect a few...And the dark haired girls are pretty to....<br /><br />-- Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:55 pm --<br /><br />You have to watch out guys the girls here LOVE the English boys...You...
  10. V

    Some words in Russian to help you.

    A Bit of Russian. Da- Yes Niet- No Zdrastvitcha- Hello Priviet- Hi Dosvedania- Good Bye Pazolsta- Please Spasibo- Thank you. Izvinity- Excuse me Gdear- Where Gastinitsa- Hotel Stadion- Stadium Magazine- Shop. Leva- Left Prava- Right Na Leva- To the left Na Prava- To the right...
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    Some tips for Kiev.

    Welcome to Kiev and enjoy yourselves. Kiev is a very nice City as are its people and the people of Kiev will welcome you to their City. Please try to enjoy yourselves during your stay. Ok so some of you blues are coming on your own and not with a tour. When you arrive at the airport please be...
  12. V

    Kiev Game....

    You have obviously never been here and again it just goes to show the ignorance of some people. You need to grow up.
  13. V

    Kiev Game....

    Sorry Guys I have been out of the country for a week. They were supposed to be holding it at the main Kiev Stadium because its a EPL Team. It is disappointing because they could have sold out the the main Stadium. And people in Kiev were expecting it to be at the Main stadium..Never...
  14. V

    Kiev Game....

    Hi Blues. Just want to let you know that the game in Kiev is a sell out...That's close on 75000 peeps, 74 of which will be shouting for Kiev...But I reckon we can still out sing'em.....
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    Wigan...And the temp in Kiev..Micah..

    Well if City are to bring any thing away from Kiev they will have to do a lot better than that! End of..! I know we have injuries and the players are tired but Kiev will come out to finish the job before they come to Gods Ground. So I am sticking with my earlier prediction of Kiev 3 City 1 with...
  16. V

    I Will Be The Proudest Blue Inside Eastlands - Pics Added

    Re: I Will Be The Proudest Blue Inside Eastlands Tomorrow Just beautiful...
  17. V

    Dear Ric.....

    I will post info again Tomorrow ok..Im too tired right now and have things to do..But here's a link to the official Dynamo Kiev site...Enjoy. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
  18. V

    Dear Ric.....

    I just spent 2 hours 30 minutes putting together the does and donts in Kiev only to find I have been logged out and wasted my time and energy..... -- Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:02 pm -- And it ain't the first time its happened!!!!!!Sorry peeps but I don't see the point of wasting my time again..Have...
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    Re: KIEV AWAY TRIP NEW DETAILS Ok Peeps on the subject of Visa's..No you do not need a visa. You can enter the country for 6 months without a visa so don't worry about that.
  20. V

    So what is known about Dynamo Kiev?

    I truly hope we beat Dynamo senseless, how ever, they are a good team by anyone's standards and City will have their work cut out. The away leg will be crucial..we must hold them in Kiev if we are to progress. And if you look at Dynamo's Euro record and compare it to City's, well that speaks for...

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