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  1. W

    James Milner's Boring Christmas

    Quality stuff from Jimmy Millner. I loved the way all of his aunts and uncles are either called Millie or Jimmy, some of the aunties are even called James. When he gets the little shovel 'oh look it's the 9 inch one' LOL. Gaz Baz's christmas card is the best bit .
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    BlueMoon Podcast Special: 15 Years Since Wembley '99

    I too loved the Bishop train journey but my favourite part was Nicky Weaver telling Andy Morrison to 'Get off me you fat bastard'
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    BlueMoon Podcast Special: 15 Years Since Wembley '99

    Congrats to David Mooney on an absolutely brilliant podcast, really brought that day in 1999 back to life.
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    Went from manic depression to unadulterated exctasy in about 2 and a half minutes. Did anyone else throw a hissy fit when Nasri let the ball go out for a QPR throw. I nearly kicked the 'kin telly over.
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    City vs. Chelsea Post-Match Discussion Thread

    If Zab is not the most underrated player in the division he's in the top 3. Absolutely class he was tonight.
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    New blog article by shevtheblue

    Nice article Shev. A really enjoyable read.
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    happy with a draw tonight

    I'd only settle for a draw if we go 2 down or something. Rags are there for the taking.
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    Funny thing about the game yesterday...

    I thought JM did OK yesterday but only OK. He came into it when we went ahead and Blackpool started chasing the game. Think his performance was slightly hampered by having to constantly switch wings with AJ. All in all I'd say the 6/10 rating is about right.
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    How many england WC "superstars" will cry off....

    None of the big world cup flops will play i.e Fat Frank , Gerrard , Shrek or John Chav. What I'm interested in is whether or not the england fans will vote with their feet and boycott this meaningless excuse for a match.
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    Next Captain

    Definately should be big Vince.
  11. W

    How is everyone going to watch the match on Wednesday?

    Well I live in Dublin and only get to about 3 matches a season so I will be watching this one in my local in the company of my best mate who's a... wait for it.... SPUD. What are the chances . We are the only 2 regulars who don't support the Scousers or RAGS so it'll be great to watch a match...
  12. W

    Lakey's (last) Blue Tuesday question...Who Would You Thank?

    J.R. Ewing, Booby Ewing & Cliff Barnes for inspiring Sheik Mansour to go into the oil business. Players that deserve special mention and thanks Carlos, Bellers, N De J, VK. Oh and Alan Green because if that little turd's bitter ranting doesn't inspire a team nothing will.
  13. W

    Manchester City v Manchester United - Official Match Thread

    I think we'll be unchanged from Bermingham match. I'm going for a squeeky bum type 1-0 win for us. And for what it's worth the "He can only score 5 goals a season" man to score the winner.
  14. W

    City fans - a frightening new insight...

    I am a new member to this forum but have been a city fan since I was 5 and that's 35 years ago and while i'm eagerly awaiting success I'm dreading the arrival of glory hunting only cheer when we're winning numpties. A nostalgic part of me longs for the days when City were crap but always...

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