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  1. L

    Your emotions/actions/whereabouts from 1-2 to 3-2

    For the last weeks I have tried to keep my feet on the ground, not wanting to believe we could do it. We won the derby " united don't worry me, it's Newcastle that worry me" I repeated. We beat newcastle and then I state to all" I,m still on the fence..".we will either get beat or batter them"...
  2. L

    Newcastle Vs City Post match Discussion Thread

    Re: What did you do when Yaya scored? Went in the local pub with the better half, commenced getting pissed to calm my nerves, couldn't contain the nerves so I went outside to have a cig. Heard a scream of joy from a Bolton fan in the vault and sprinted back into the pub screaming like a...
  3. L

    Newcastle Vs City Post match Discussion Thread

    Re: What did you do when Yaya scored? Sat in a pub with better half supping beer as if I was on death row.......1-0 up sergio breaks through (he can't miss.. Can he) I close my eyes surrounded by rags s and screamed get the fook in ... Only to be told he missed you wanker............... Never...
  4. L

    100% Blue boozer tomorrow

    Bollox to it....... It's the local for me and the better half then.....fuck em lol
  5. L

    100% Blue boozer tomorrow

    I moved to walkden last year and the local boozer is full of rags.....this was re-enforced during the charity shield (1st time i had been in)when I was the only blue in the pub ( yes I know we got beat but when the 2nd went in I was screaming like a looney...they must of thought I was hard as...
  6. L

    post celebratory photos in here!

    sorry to go off on a tangent but seeing as I cant start a new thread just a heads up that the wembley 360 is supposed to be online from 3pm today...... hope the link works <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return...
  7. L

    ESPN highlights 8.00 am

    ok hands up.......... was there yesterday, but sitting watching the match again........ 45 years old and sitting here with tears in my eyes
  8. L

    Cup final tickets SOLD OUT

    <a class="postlink" href=",,10310~2352851,00.html" onclick=";return false;"> ... 51,00.html</a> I may be having a blonde moment but whats all this about............stoke getting extra...
  9. L

    Harrow town centre for wembley

    cost £16 from harrow on the hill for me and my old fella for a ticket that could be used on the bus for kids
  10. L

    Cup final tickets

    5 to 9 he got there..... i rolled up at 10.30 and was third...... i know it sounds mad but had a laugh with a great bunch of lads
  11. L

    Cup final tickets

    main que was at merc garage end......... I got there at 10.30 and I was 3rd in que. i know it would be a long night but have the craic with fellow blues and the time will soon pass....... if your gonna go early though make sure you have some warm gear. I know some people will say its madness...
  12. L

    Who's sleeping over tonight then?

    The gates are locked at 11 and no cars are allowed in unless they have a disabled badge and then its only at 4.30ish ..... We set up outside the gates and parked in the estate over the saves parking in the North car park and legging it up mercer way only to find you may have gone...
  13. L

    Who's sleeping over tonight then?

    pleasure to meet you number 7............ well worth the waiting....5 tickets in hand by 9.10 and top company throughout the night with some cracking lads. ... honourary mention to the legend that is number 1 :)
  14. L

    Who's sleeping over tonight then?

    number 3 in q been here since 10.30 freezing just discussing where we can get a nosebag.... Good laugh despite see you at wembley
  15. L

    Who's sleeping over tonight then?

    About 12 people here anyone on way down don't forget the pizza..... Good laugh but bloody cold :-)
  16. L

    Night night all Bluemooners.

    just got back.. can hardly speak. time for a cig and a coffee and watch the highlights see you all on the 14th..........look forward to picking up the paper when I crawl out of my pit.. oh happy day. support was amazing roll on the final
  17. L

    departure time

    9 from Little Lever [ Bolton in case you were wondering] apparently stopping for a couple of hours en-route at a labour club.......sounds just the ticket

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