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  1. R

    Would you have Ronaldo?

    Not a Fuckin chance, I hope he dos'nt sign for us. He is'nt a city player he's a tosser. You just have to remember how much we Hated him the last time we played against him. Even the Ball Boy had a pop at him. HaHa
  2. R

    The Mancini has played an absolute blinder thread.

    I agree. Mancini is already a City Legend. He's done what he was asked to do with Flying Colours. Ok. Some games early on it was a bit Negative. But now you see why. He had a target and is a Quality manager to see when we Could not Lose. Plus its not his team. Yet. But when we go for it we look...
  3. R

    Jo needs more time

    I'll give him time. 07.15 tomorrow. Flight back to Brazil. Paid For,
  4. R

    what a top day out

    Yeh, Had a top day out. Before. During and After. Got there for Brekkie and beer in weatherspoons. Then up too the Hotspur. not as many blues in there as we thought. Then the game. Top result,great atmosphere. Then Out on the town. Then Casino. Won enough on the Roulette between Four of us to...
  5. R

    Fighting In Mary d's

    You Dick. You obviously live in Cuckoo land. I don't live on a council estate but know a lot of people who do, and i would trust them all more than a dick like you?????????
  6. R

    Sorry to say this, but...

    I agree with Feed The. Give it time. We can't just change the manager. Also, im sure Mark Hughes was linked with La Zy Toure Sorry Ya Ya. Lets hope we come good eh???
  7. R

    Apart from weights what is Micah good at.

    Disagree there mate. Richards has been superb this season, far better than Toure.
  8. R

    Adebayor - well done

    Adeybayor will be gone in January. He dosnt love City and never will. Still wishes he woz at the Gunners He is Bone Idol. Defo not a City player. He's only had one good game anyway??????
  9. R

    Why isn't Adam Johnson starting?

    He's not helping himself going on the piss tho is he???
  10. R

    Wayne Bridge Joke

    That is a shocker!!!!!!
  11. R

    Imaginary Cards Question

    Probably was a sending off?? But if the tosser Fabregas was confident of beating us,even if we had 15 men. Why the fuck was he urging the ref to send Boyata off.
  12. R

    gary neville

    He is a Twat i agree. Most hated Rag of all time i think. Maybe because he's a shithouse. Roy Keane and co where twats but would back it up.

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