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  1. G

    Edin Dzeko

    In Bayern there is only Mandzukic as typical CF in any other formation they have no CF cus they rotate, I bet that they are better then him and same type of player, so I don't see why not. In Dortmund there is Lewandowski sa CF and don't see why they wouldn't have chance against him, Barca is...
  2. G

    Edin Dzeko

    Yes I understand that there will be a lot of games, but a lot of top teams have one or two WC strikers, lets say Bayern, Barca, Real, Borussia D. , Arsenal ect. so my oppinion is that it was way better to buy deffenders for ex. then attackers, or if u buy attackers sell Dzeko for ex...
  3. G

    Edin Dzeko

    I really don't understan need for 4 WC strikers, there will always be someone unhappy in team, just don't get it.
  4. G

    Edin Dzeko

    Re: Edin Dzeko legend <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 29c789.png</a> <a class="postlink"...
  5. G

    Borussia Dortmund Vs City (CL) Post Match Thread

    EPL best league in world, so funny statement.
  6. G

    Chelsea Vs City In Match Discussion Thread

    What did Aguero do better then Dzeko?
  7. G

    The Manager

    Blame Hart for this lost game is crazy, that guy had some great saves and still Mancini blame him over deffence.
  8. G

    Real Madrid Vs Manchester City CL In Match Thread

    That is part you are missing but rest of it is there.
  9. G

    Real Madrid Vs Manchester City CL In Match Thread

    You are playing game that Stoke played against you.
  10. G

    Mancini - Balotelli

    Nah, I think that Dzeko is problem.
  11. G

    Edin Doesn't Score Important Goals

    I just hope so that Dzeko goes from City to other league so I don't understand things people say about him.
  12. G

    Swansea v City Post Match Discussion Thread

    Poor performance by Dzeko, you should sell him.
  13. G

    Photoshop Attempt.

    Great job, just little suggestion, face of Dzeko, Silva and Nasri should be little darker, something like aggueros, but great job anyway.
  14. G

    Matchday Pictures (High Res)

    They say: "Picture tells thousand words". We have here million words, and I can say one, great chemistry in this team :). How happy are all when Edin scored and also when agguero scored :), I think that thig is missing with Tevez he is not playing with his hart like these guys do :).
  15. G

    Tottenham v City Post Match Discussion Thread

    Guys, just heard on one TV station that this is first player that scored 4 goals in one game for MC in PL. Can someone confirm this :)?
  16. G

    Tottenham v City Post Match Discussion Thread

    Dzekos stronger foot is right, and he scored last goal with left:). Like I said before, GOLDEN HATTRICK is when player score one goal with head, one wit right foot, and one with left :D, and I don't have idea how to call this :D. Nasri is player that Dzeko needed, he is something like...
  17. G

    Tottenham v City Match Discussion Thread

    How is this called :D. beautiful :). I'm Bosnian, and I'm proud on that :)
  18. G

    Tottenham v City Match Discussion Thread

    Dzeko scored something that is called GOLDEN HATTRICK. That is when you score 3 goals, but one with head, one with right leg, and one with left leg :).
  19. G

    Tottenham v City Match Discussion Thread

    I think that some people wait only one bad move from Dzeko to criticize him. He made 2 bad moves and they start saying how bad is he, that he is bullshit, that Tevez needs to get in. There is no player on the world wich can play all game on top level so take it easy, Dzeko is player that can...
  20. G

    Nikola Tesla

    It is always nice to see topic about this great mind, maybe greatest of all times. A lot of people doesn't know that he is most important person for our life stile today, he is father of alternately current (AC), wich made posible to transfer electricity on huge distances ( direct current, or...

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