£5.25 Aldi wine as good as £3,000 bottle.

My bro-in-law a big wine buff, we had his 60th in Tuscany last September, and fuck me did we drink some great wine over there, Brunello. You don’t see much of it on the shelves, if any, over here, but I can highly recommend if you land on a decent bottle of it.
A quite mature attendance, though someone always overdoes it
Lot's of tables with the producers very willing to talk you through their products
I had a lovely chat with a Spanish producer who had five riojas of various age to sample. I told him I was trying to find a red wine I like. He asked what I drank and then pointed me to his youngest wine. It wasn't for me and in his most polite English he pretty much said " Sorry pal. My stuff ain't for you"
Meanwhile wifey is sampling something that you could stand up a spoon in!
If you don't like something do not feel obliged to drink it, just pour it away
At the start it can seem quite pretentious, however at the end of the event everyone's inhibitions no longer exist
I'd advise that to begin with you crack on with the sparkling wines and as the day progresses move onto the reds
And eat something substantial or you'll be bladdered after an hour
I really enjoy wine and I went to one of these...fucking hell it was like a cattle market, not for me...
A quite mature attendance, though someone always overdoes it
Lot's of tables with the producers very willing to talk you through their products
I had a lovely chat with a Spanish producer who had five riojas of various age to sample. I told him I was trying to find a red wine I like. He asked what I drank and then pointed me to his youngest wine. It wasn't for me and in his most polite English he pretty much said " Sorry pal. My stuff ain't for you"
Meanwhile wifey is sampling something that you could stand up a spoon in!
If you don't like something do not feel obliged to drink it, just pour it away
At the start it can seem quite pretentious, however at the end of the event everyone's inhibitions no longer exist
I'd advise that to begin with you crack on with the sparkling wines and as the day progresses move onto the reds
And eat something substantial or you'll be bladdered after an hour
Thanks for the insight and advice, we had a great foodie / wino long weekend in San Sebastian a few years ago, can heartily recommend.
Hope it’s worth breaking the £5 barrier for!

Ha ha me too! I just had to give it a go after a renowned wine master, one of only 416 in the world recommended it. My enthusiasm was tempered slightly by her admitting she hadn't actually tasted the £3,000 bottle of wine I must admit. Having said that, if she says it's good I shall bow to her better judgment. I'm spending £1.10 more than my usual tipple from there, Kooliburra Merlot, so she better be right!

Ha ha me too! I just had to give it a go after a renowned wine master, one of only 416 in the world recommended it. My enthusiasm was tempered slightly by her admitting she hadn't actually tasted the £3,000 bottle of wine I must admit. Having said that if she says it's good I shall now to her better judgment. I'm spending £1.10 more than my usual tipple from there, Kooliburra Merlot, so she better be right!

I don’t think you should blame her for the completely misleading headline, mate.

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