Álvaro Negredo Sánchez (part 3)

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Damien10 said:
yankblue said:
Damien10 said:
I was born in Lincoln. I'm only 23, i have got my FA coaching badges, i have traveled Europe watching different teams and complying reports on players and teams. I wouldn't change it for the world. I'm a fan of football now, not a specific team. However like i have sed before, i do have a soft spot for Manchester City.

That's interesting Damien, and I'm sure you have a lot of valuable perspectives to add. Neutrals are more then welcome - as long as they are fair and don't attack the club! Welcome to the forum.

Why the soft spot for city?
Thank you. At this early stage, it's all about my portfolio.I have met some top people in football from coaches/managers/scouts and most admired my work. It's all about building a reputation.

My admiration for Manchester City...
I decided to study Manchester City for one year. This happened to be the year you went on the win the league. By the end of that year i come to the conclusion you was in fact the best team in the league that year, and the football that Manchester City played was without question the best in the league also. But at that point City had fell behind Manchester United, then the comeback started, i started to believe more after every game, United kept dropping points. So then there i was rooting for you desperately to do the unthinkable. Each game went by City was explosive (Tevez,Aguero,Nasri,Silva) You was back to your best, brushing teams aside, and in style, i loved it, and it was a joy to watch. Then we all know what happened. The last game of the season, sat there 2-1 down, all that hard work and amazing football wasn't going to be enough to be crowned champions because of the final hurdle (QPR) Then the mad 4 minutes... When Aguero scored i jumped in joy (for the first time in that year) i was so pleased. The team who i felt deserved to win the league had done it, and not only did they do it, it was done in style and in a way that will be unforgettable.
seeing as you studied us so much, what would you say were the biggest weaknesses in your eyes and do you think we are rectifying them with this summer's signings?
M24 Citizen said:
MCFC-alan88 said:
M24 Citizen said:
Oh god. A yeast cake! That's worse than calling it a barm!

Judging by David Silva's pathetic attempt at trying a Bakewell Tart and Mince Pie I'd guess our Spanish friends are yet to discover Muffins.

It's a Bun. Not a muffin, at a stretch its a barm.

A bun is just a small muffin!

Dare i say its a BAP!

blue underpants said:
invincible said:
blue underpants said:
Yes thank you very much Senor, but you never said if you are a Barm or a muffin man, it is essential that we know what your eating habits are, again thanks

the fifth neighbor's wife is pregnant and going to have twins
You naughty boy, you have been nipping around your fifth neighbours house while Senor fifth neighbors at the bullfight havnt you?

all these are topics, we are always here singing flamenco and bullfights seeing friends ... I invite you to visit Seville and will see with your eyes
grunge said:
invincible said:
blue underpants said:
Yes thank you very much Senor, but you never said if you are a Barm or a muffin man, it is essential that we know what your eating habits are, again thanks

the fifth neighbor's wife is pregnant and going to have twins

If you are wondering what all the barm or muffin questions are about, its a regional term for a bread roll. And its quite an "in joke"

There is even a 730 page thread on it here on Bluemoon.

<a class="postlink-local" href="http://forums.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=101815&start=7290" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">viewtopic.php?f=5&t=101815&start=7290</a>

ok friend, thank you for the info
NoahCity said:
Damien10 said:
yankblue said:
That's interesting Damien, and I'm sure you have a lot of valuable perspectives to add. Neutrals are more then welcome - as long as they are fair and don't attack the club! Welcome to the forum.

Why the soft spot for city?
Thank you. At this early stage, it's all about my portfolio.I have met some top people in football from coaches/managers/scouts and most admired my work. It's all about building a reputation.

My admiration for Manchester City...
I decided to study Manchester City for one year. This happened to be the year you went on the win the league. By the end of that year i come to the conclusion you was in fact the best team in the league that year, and the football that Manchester City played was without question the best in the league also. But at that point City had fell behind Manchester United, then the comeback started, i started to believe more after every game, United kept dropping points. So then there i was rooting for you desperately to do the unthinkable. Each game went by City was explosive (Tevez,Aguero,Nasri,Silva) You was back to your best, brushing teams aside, and in style, i loved it, and it was a joy to watch. Then we all know what happened. The last game of the season, sat there 2-1 down, all that hard work and amazing football wasn't going to be enough to be crowned champions because of the final hurdle (QPR) Then the mad 4 minutes... When Aguero scored i jumped in joy (for the first time in that year) i was so pleased. The team who i felt deserved to win the league had done it, and not only did they do it, it was done in style and in a way that will be unforgettable.
seeing as you studied us so much, what would you say were the biggest weaknesses in your eyes and do you think we are rectifying them with this summer's signings?
Yes, Jesus Navas. Alot of you have noticed it yourself, so well done. However i believe Roberto was at fault for alot of things, but i will not go into that because i know how much he's respected here. I to have great respect for him,he did a good job. I would like to add i think the 'fab four' Tevez,Aguero,Silva,Narsi was they key to what happened towards the end. I could go on all day,and into alot of detail but i would only bore you and be to much to read.
pee dubya said:
Johnny_on said:
Kun Aguero said:
Invincible, what do you think of San Miguel?

No need, everyone knows Cruzcampo is better!!!!
Well I prefer Alhambra to them both.

alhambra is the beer made in granada, cruzcampo is made in sevilla, but but was bought by the multinational holland heinekens, san miguel is made in madrid, here the people prefer drink cruzcampo...
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