11 | Jeremy Doku - 2023/24

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Let's cut to the chase, drop all the pussyfooting and dressing this up - he does not improve us and is verging on being a liability. There I've said it.
Many of you clearly think otherwise and he will hit this magic "final ball and vision button". He's busy, fast and likes to dribble - obviously skillful feet - but doesn't suit the set up that has made us so good. Maybe we're abandoning that and are in "transition".
That was Burnley and many think he played well.
I hope this improvement many are foretelling of - really is miraculous.
At the moment I feel some are happy to be hoodwinked by pace and cover up his short-comings with "whens and ifs".
Happy to be proved completely wrong. Who wouldn't want a dribbling, pacey winger with the ability to pick a pass and retain possession. A tall order I know.
You are talking nonsense mate
Doku offers extreme pace, at least over the first few yards. He's often able to beat defenders one-on-one and from there is frequently in position to make a great pass or to shoot on goal.

That said, he's still a diamond in the rough - trouble is, when he gets into great position sometimes he's awesome and wins man of the match... other times he's frustrating.

I criticized Doku heavily in previous posts and opined that he's not good enough for our squad... only to have him turn in a man-of-the-match performance in his next outing.

Doku is young, he could well improve ( a lot), and he's under the best manager in football. Even if he doesn't improve much, he offers a completely different challenge to defenses than does Grealish/Silva/Bobb and so is at least good in this regard.
Doku offers extreme pace, at least over the first few yards. He's often able to beat defenders one-on-one and from there is frequently in position to make a great pass or to shoot on goal.

That said, he's still a diamond in the rough - trouble is, when he gets into great position sometimes he's awesome and wins man of the match... other times he's frustrating.

I criticized Doku heavily in previous posts and opined that he's not good enough for our squad... only to have him turn in a man-of-the-match performance in his next outing.

Doku is young, he could well improve ( a lot), and he's under the best manager in football. Even if he doesn't improve much, he offers a completely different challenge to defenses than does Grealish/Silva/Bobb and so is at least good in this regard.
At last a reasonable review.
Suggest we all convene at the end of the season and the I told you so's can...er... tell us so.
Let's hope so.
The same Grealish who absolutely bossed Liverpool, United and Arsenal in absolutely crucial matches last season and was instrumental to us winning the treble.

Second, very few “cut him slack” on here. Probably the most under-appreciated player in our squad for how integral he is to the way we play.

It’s hard to analyse Doku fully this season so far because a) he has got as many chances as he’s had because Grealish got injured and was unwell for two matches he probably would have started (Liverpool and recently Newcastle b) he hasn’t put in a good performance yet against a top table team and c) there has been a lot of hype surrounding him, probably due to his style of play, that has made people take quite cemented positions.

Think the next few months will give us a clearer picture.
Doku was great against Liverpool
Please please please stop with the bringing Grealish into this thread.
Both completely different, both huge assets to the team.

He's not as good as Grealish, but neither are as good as Bernardo, so it is what it is as they say, assets in different ways and games, someone sat next to me last night and said to me about Doku, he's not good enough is he, I said he's young and will learn and get better, with my fingers crossed, but I was warned off someone when he joined us he'd be as frustrating as Sterling was, which doesn't sit well with me at all.
He's not as good as Grealish, but neither are as good as Bernardo, so it is what it is as they say, assets in different ways and games, someone sat next to me last night and said to me about Doku, he's not good enough is he, I said he's young and will learn and get better, with my fingers crossed, but I was warned off someone when he joined us he'd be as frustrating as Sterling was, which doesn't sit well with me at all.
Your worst nightmare having anybody mentioned in the same breath as Sterling.
Bet you come out in cold sweats mate! Haha!

There’s plenty for him to work on but the signs are positive for me so far.
Your worst nightmare having anybody mentioned in the same breath as Sterling.
Bet you come out in cold sweats mate! Haha!

There’s plenty for him to work on but the signs are positive for me so far.

Proper shiver down my spine when that name is mentioned you are right
He's not as good as Grealish, but neither are as good as Bernardo, so it is what it is as they say, assets in different ways and games, someone sat next to me last night and said to me about Doku, he's not good enough is he, I said he's young and will learn and get better, with my fingers crossed, but I was warned off someone when he joined us he'd be as frustrating as Sterling was, which doesn't sit well with me at all.
Doku causes chaos for defenders which is always good. He just needs to slow down a bit in the final third and improve his decision making and his left foot. I remain optimistic that our world-class coaches can work some magic on him as they have done with many others. We are blessed in that position with Grealish, Bobb, Foden when required, Bernardo etc. I think Doku could be very effective coming off the bench in tight matches.
He's not as good as Grealish, but neither are as good as Bernardo, so it is what it is as they say, assets in different ways and games, someone sat next to me last night and said to me about Doku, he's not good enough is he, I said he's young and will learn and get better, with my fingers crossed, but I was warned off someone when he joined us he'd be as frustrating as Sterling was, which doesn't sit well with me at all.

Hmmmm. Sterling could be frustrating but he made a major contribution to City’s success and even when supporters whinged about him when he was in his best period, he was often a thorn in the side of opponents and caused their defences problems.

His form dipped towards the end of his tenure but if Doku can have the sort of impact and show the growth Sterling did, he’ll be fine.
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