12 Year-Old Girl filmed being battered til she cries in Broadstairs

I've said it many times before but to kick someone in the head or stamp on the head should be treated as attempted murder.
You'd have to build a fair few more prisons if that happened, it seems every fuckin fight someone's getting a stamp on the head, I agree with you btw.
You act like we were all civilised before. This sort of thing happened where i was from 20 years ago except no one had the technology to record. Humans on a whole have never really been that nice
A 12 year old girl trying to kill another is not anyone’s idea of normal. I’m 61 and have lived a pretty normal life and seen both good and bad. What I am saying is that this nation is becoming increasingly desensitised to a lack of common decency and kindness. When those that we elect are lying scumbags is anyone surprised. When our mainstream media is bigoted, biased and untruthful is anyone shocked? When the poorer elements of society are consistently shat on do we think their children will all grow up as model citizens? As I said, how to fix though....
Fuck me. I had a fight when I was 12, I say fight as that implies that it was two sided, he was a pokey, and a fat one at that. Proper sorted me out. Shock my hand after though. Anyway...

Not filmed. No one outside of the group shouting "fight fight fight" knew about it. Where's the outrage?
Girl fights always seemed the worst, but that's not a fight, that's just an attack. The poor girl clearly wanted no part of it and the **** just attacked her repeatedly, the stamp when she was down was particularly vicious and should, in a sane world, result in a heavy punishment.

It happened when I was a kid as well, but the amount of people who goad them on now or pile on seems to take it to another level. Trash like this need putting on a register and keeping an eye on, as they are going to end up seriously hurting someone. Fucking scum
Girl fights always seemed the worst, but that's not a fight, that's just an attack. The poor girl clearly wanted no part of it and the **** just attacked her repeatedly, the stamp when she was down was particularly vicious and should, in a sane world, result in a heavy punishment.

It happened when I was a kid as well, but the amount of people who goad them on now or pile on seems to take it to another level. Trash like this need putting on a register and keeping an eye on, as they are going to end up seriously hurting someone. Fucking scum
That’s a very interesting idea to be honest.
Kids who show a violent tendency whether it’s towards other children or animals can often go on to be more violent and sadistic. I’m not talking about a fight at school between two willing participants because that’s happened since the year dot. I mean a situation where there’s a complete lack of empathy or boundaries in an attack. Perhaps if curfews, monitoring and other measures were put in place that restricted their behaviour, they might change their ways in order to fit in with everyone else.
I think all this talk of battering the kid or their parents would achieve nothing but an escalation, however gratifying it may seem at the time.

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