City fined over £2m by PL | Sanction agreed for 22 breaches relating to ko delays

The PL is run by the broadcasters as well as the red-shirt, cry-baby clubs.
The broadcasters know they can't do anything about injury time (although I'm sure they'd love to), but they can raise the issue of delayed starts for each half.
Imagine being a broadcaster and having to get another minute or two of critical insight from the Goat-feeder and Spitty. And imagine having to listen to this pair of fucking idiots for an additional minute because you bought a TV without a mute button.
As a ref I'm delighted to see this. It's my biggest pet hate, you call the teams in and the coaching staff and 11 players just ignore you*. As a single individual there is nothing you can do, you can go mental and start without them but that would cause a riot. I'm not sure PL referee teams have any more power, they knock on the door and ask the players to come out, if they ignore him or refuse, what can he actually do? Probably has 2 burly security guards in his personal space as well. Be interesting to see the decisions City got or didn't get in the first 10 minutes of the second half of these games. The only power the ref has his is whistle once the game starts, it's my go to weapon in these scenarios.

The last league match included here is also the longest delay. A game to win the league and the best manager in the world has nearly 3 minutes longer with his players than allowed. That's an advantage that a £100k fine doesn't come near covering.

* I assume the clocks starts at this point and each team is on their own time.
Threaten to book all 11 immediately?
From what I've read (between the lines) in this thread it appears that they haven't!

They've fined us regularly over the two seasons as and when the offences have occurred.

It's apparently just some (probably scouse) journalist/analyst who's compiled the list and brought it to the attention of the masses in a sensationalist way which appears like a £2m fine has suddenly been slapped onto our desk when in fact it's not.

It's just another "look at what City have been up to - bet nobody knew this" tabloid article from what I can make out, bit like that "look how City move the ball before a free-kick - they do it more than everybody else" nonsense (which conveniently came to light 1 week after the football world were in uproar about Toney wiping away the foam and moving the ball for a free-kick he scored from - convenient eh?).

If we had some paid shills in the media who could be arsed to dredge through two years worth of match reports in order to compile a list for other clubs I'd assume that many, many of those other clubs' fines would look relatively similar, but there's no traction in doing that as it's a non-story and wouldn't generate the clicks.

Just another way to get the masses to foam at the mouth and light their torches and get their pitchforks out.

Didn't you know we're the only ones who "cheat"? ;)
Dunno how the process works but I don't think someone's added the fines up. There is an actual EPL sanctions document ordering us to pay within days so either the fines were accruing or we challenged them or something. Might even be that the league don't fine as they go but once a quarter issue the fines or something

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