
Re: Is the purpose of the American tour to gain American fans?

bluecityste said:
We do look like tw@ts unfortunately...at least to the general US public who will unfortunately have even less knowledge about the strength of our squad and the players on the pitch than those awful commentators (Nimely & Jo are not 'star' players, and Joe Hart did not play most of the second half, but unfortunately they didn't even get that right!!).

We knew before the tour that there was a large possibility of our better players (and subsequent high quality additions to the squad) being unavailable due to the world cup.

These tours are all about Promotion and looking good.
Everyone in the US loves a winner. It is there mentality that winning is good (obviously a slight generalization but without the tribal allegiances you get my point).

Unfortunately apart from a few moments of Adam Johnson magic we have failed to look good AND failed to win.

If we had to go there this summer then surely it would have made more sense to go out to the US a week later, which would have enabled us to play the two high profile matches against Club America and Inter (and maybe another game) with a stronger pool of players to choose from.

Another point with regards to 'promotion' of the club, why have we not been wearing the Home shirt? (either this seasons or last) as our home strip is what will be synonymous with us and what fans/potential fans will be able to identify us by.
I know that we have just launched the away strip, but it seems very poorly thought out not to wear our home colours at all...especially in tonights game which will have attracted a much larger audience both in the stadium and also on tv.

One final point....everyone in the media and in footballing circles keep going on about the hunger that fans in the US have to see premiership teams and players over on their patch, yet the stadium (which despite looking much larger ) only holds 25,000 and was far from full. Seems a bit strange.
If they were promoting the club don't you think they'd put a proper team out instead unknown reserves?
The Americans don't give a fuck about 'soccer',their not interested
Re: Is the purpose of the American tour to gain American fans?

bluecityste said:
These tours are all about Promotion and looking good.
Everyone in the US loves a winner. It is there mentality that winning is good (obviously a slight generalization but without the tribal allegiances you get my point).

That shouldn't even enter into Mancini's thinking. If he wants to trial the young players and experiment with systems, then he shouldn't change that because a few Americans are watching.

Pre-season is about getting players fit and trying new things.
Re: Is the purpose of the American tour to gain American fans?

It was a friendly, in the US just to get our name out there so that fans will recognise us when we're massive in a few years time.

Even if people are skeptical, football is definitely a growing sport out there and gaining popularity every year. This year for example the World Cup was watched by more Americans than in 94, despite that being held in their Country and the time difference in this years event.

City are a growing club, America is a growing market. Made to measure.
Re: Is the purpose of the American tour to gain American fans?

Spindash said:
bluecityste said:
These tours are all about Promotion and looking good.
Everyone in the US loves a winner. It is there mentality that winning is good (obviously a slight generalization but without the tribal allegiances you get my point).

That shouldn't even enter into Mancini's thinking. If he wants to trial the young players and experiment with systems, then he shouldn't change that because a few Americans are watching.

Pre-season is about getting players fit and trying new things.

Exactly, I agree completely...but that isn't what the modern day pre-season tour is purely about these days.

If it was just a case of working on fitness and also trying a few new things then surely the bigger clubs wouldn't be jetting off to all corners of the world to do so. This could be done at home, or closer to home than Asia, the USA or South Africa.

We could have stayed behind a week or two, played a couple of friendlies against Championship/League One opposition to do the above, and then gone out to the US for final 2-3 games....putting off the trip slightly would have meant that we could have done the majority of experimentation here under less of a spotlight, and less chance of harming potential growth in emerging markets (shich is why we are in USA in the first place).

Surely this would have been a sensible compromise between the coaching aspects of pre-season and the promotion that is so important to the longterm 'break even' goals of the club.

Nevermind...hopefully we will learn from this and next time plan things a little differently when in a world cup year,
Re: Is the purpose of the American tour to gain American fans?

To make the club more profitable.. I suppose eh..
Re: Is the purpose of the American tour to gain American fans?

bluecityste said:
Exactly, I agree completely...but that isn't what the modern day pre-season tour is purely about these days.

If it was just a case of working on fitness and also trying a few new things then surely the bigger clubs wouldn't be jetting off to all corners of the world to do so. This could be done at home, or closer to home than Asia, the USA or South Africa.

We could have stayed behind a week or two, played a couple of friendlies against Championship/League One opposition to do the above, and then gone out to the US for final 2-3 games....putting off the trip slightly would have meant that we could have done the majority of experimentation here under less of a spotlight, and less chance of harming potential growth in emerging markets (shich is why we are in USA in the first place).

Surely this would have been a sensible compromise between the coaching aspects of pre-season and the promotion that is so important to the longterm 'break even' goals of the club.

Nevermind...hopefully we will learn from this and next time plan things a little differently when in a world cup year,

Well, it's not *all* about the matches. City have done quite a bit off the pitch as well, which is probably just as important as the friendlies in terms of "promoting". And like a previous poster said, just being there is enough. I don't think losing the games will actually make that much difference.

I agree that it could have been handled differently, but the fact that so many players are unavailable clearly had an impact. It doesn't make sense to tour later on in pre-season - it's at this stage, or not at all. Everyone needs to be back at home in good time.
Re: Is the purpose of the American tour to gain American fans?

Was at both games today and have to say while the performance didn't impress anyone, the 'City section' singing earned a lot of impressed comments from those around me. That said I'm not sure American fans are the cash cow ADUG expect. Honestly I probably put more money into NYRB than I do City, and I don't care about MLS at all.
Re: Is the purpose of the American tour to gain American fans?

imo, it was a waste. Americans dont evn care about our football.
Re: Is the purpose of the American tour to gain American fans?

The commentators were however referring to us as Manchester which can only be a good thing.

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