2022/2023 Accounts - Record Revenues & Profit - Annual Report

I particularly like this line concerning the charges against us. "City have said a “comprehensive body of irrefutable evidence” exists in support of their position."
But the media never mentions that the PL allegations (not criminal charges) date back to 2008. They will struggle to spin this smear campaign out much longer.
It was said years ago (long before we were generating the income we're doing now) that we could be playing in an empty stadium, and still be making a profit.
Matchday income will be less and less important as digital broadcast revenues go through the roof with things like virtual season tickets. UEFA claimed 450 million global viewers for our CL Final with only 71,412 people in the stadium. But the crowd makes up a vital part of the viewing spectacle so hopefully matchgoers will not be neglected.
Good to see those annual season ticket price hikes were neccesary...

Could be looking at a £78 million profit and a ticket price freeze.

Phenomenally ran football club, just wish they showed us match going fans even the slightest bit of respect.
If you read the DM article about the scaffold in the united thread, there's a few pointers on how NOT to show match going fans respect.

You can pay £295 for a single matchday experience:
Ticket (as long as you are a midget)
Free ticket to the museum ('istry innit)
Access to food and drink (access - ie food and drink not included!)

That's fleecing the "fans" - as a match ticket and museum entrance price is just ...£80
Perhaps this is where 'might as well be Celtic' got his money making ideas from.

And then there is the corporate entertainment top of the range facilities... I saw these (from the outside) at the Rugby league final... its a big tent on the car park! You then have to walk from there (wind/rain etc) to get into stadium. Again, how to 'fleece' the gullible 'fan'.

Having had the (won a freebie) pleasure of the Tunnel club, other (won a freebie) corporate boxes, and just as an ordinary fan at the Etihad, to see the facilities (standard, offerings, atmosphere) available at the scaffold...is just like comparing chalk and cheese.

It probably does feel like the ordinary fan is faced with constantly rising season ticket prices, but on the 'higher' levels of ticket, we could probably double/treble the prices and the experience would still be worth far more than anything available at the scaffold.

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