3 Months to lose the belly …

Well played, mate. Just make sure you factor in some recovery days to avoid burnout. You don't have to give up exercise completely on these days, but I just factor something lower impact on these days like a walk or 30.minutes on the exercise bike rather than a run.

Or lift some weights/perform bodyweight exercises.

But good advice.
Well played, mate. Just make sure you factor in some recovery days to avoid burnout. You don't have to give up exercise completely on these days, but I just factor something lower impact on these days like a walk or 30.minutes on the exercise bike rather than a run.

yep, Monday/Tuesday my lower impact days

just do a 15 min run and joe wicks workout (and some sit up/weights)
My quick fix to a 'summer body'

1.Clean up diet
2.Bodyweight supersets (x5) every other day (Chins/pressups/Squats (with weight if possible)
3.20 min HITT session on in between days.

Start 12 weeks out.
My quick fix to a 'summer body'

1.Clean up diet
2.Bodyweight supersets (x5) every other day (Chins/pressups/Squats (with weight if possible)
3.20 min HITT session on in between days.

Start 12 weeks out.

I've tried to understand supersets and just can't get my head around it. Have I understood your tip correctly? 5 sets of x amount of reps, alternating the exercise? So for example let's say 30 pressups/30 chins/30 squats in a rotation of 5 times around?
I've tried to understand supersets and just can't get my head around it. Have I understood your tip correctly? 5 sets of x amount of reps, alternating the exercise? So for example let's say 30 pressups/30 chins/30 squats in a rotation of 5 times around?

A superset is a group of exercises performed back to back


10 pressups,immediately followed by 10 chins and then the squats

so 30 reps is one set

Times that by 5

Your only limits are your equipment and your ability/fitness.But all exercises can be adjusted to compensate.
The beauty of supersets mean a shorter workout with both a muscle building and cardio element.I always used them when dieting down/cutting up.

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