31 | Ederson - 2022/23 Performances

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7-0 and the two most active player threads are the ones where people get to whinge about their least favourite players. Boring cunts.
Rubbish. Ederson proved once again last night that he's the weakest link in the team. He got away with his brainfart last night, but I'm 90% sure that he would have been sent off for it in a PL game.

The only thing that's boring is watching the same basic stupid goalkeeping error over and over again.
I have never said that mate but crack on. I will comfort myself by knowing arguably the greatest manager of all time agrees with little old me also so ill take that.

He's not the greatest of all time imo. He's the best modern day coach, but not a 'manager'.
He leaves goalkeeping to assistant coaches who follow his guidelines, one of which prioritises distribution over basics.
He's not the greatest of all time imo. He's the best modern day coach, but not a 'manager'.
He leaves goalkeeping to assistant coaches who follow his guidelines, one of which prioritises distribution over basics.
So the "best modern day coach" is leaving the coaching up to the specialists here in Xabi Mancisidor and the priorities and guidelines from Pep on a Monday morning for our very own "erratic average goalkeeper with shite decision making"
Is as follows;
Teach Ederson to make the "same basic stupid goalkeeping error over and over again"
Be "fucking hopeless at the very basics of goalkeeping."

Special work on coaching being glued to the line and not claiming any crosses would be useful, only if Carson and Richard Wright haven't gone down the pub by then.

You really believe that someone who drops a player if they change body fat percentages because he is that particular about how his team operates has sat and watched Ederson for several seasons but he is completely blind to the fact "he's the weakest link in the team."

He plays 50+ times a season despite potentially being "not trusted by his coaches".

It really is a miracle that Ederson has made it so far, he must have some serious dirt on Pep. Maybe he is the whistleblower that the Premier League have and he is blackmailing us to keep playing.
He's easily the most exciting keeper I have ever seen play.

Keepers shouldn’t be exciting though. He was brilliant with his feet and sweeping up until about 2 years ago now he’s OK at both - dare I say amateurish at the latter.

He’s great in games like last night where the team press up high and he can distribute but when teams don’t do that (the majority), he’s essentially just another outfield player being in net waiting for the first shot on target to go in.

Personally wouldn’t lose sleep if he wasn’t playing week in, week out anymore and think Ortega deserves more of a shot at challenging than he is getting.
Rubbish. Ederson proved once again last night that he's the weakest link in the team. He got away with his brainfart last night, but I'm 90% sure that he would have been sent off for it in a PL game.

The only thing that's boring is watching the same basic stupid goalkeeping error over and over again.
Weakest link , thats bollocks. Our whole way of playing depends on the the players around him having full confidence in him and his abilities. They do as does the manager that relies on him. So as much as that bores you, tough because neither the manager or keeper or the way he plays are changing anytime soon.
Fuck me have the match day flappers infected this thread?

1. Yes, he dashed of his line probably rashly but I also think he thought the ball would skid through and it was an easy clearance
2. He was probably bored and wanted some action
3. He actually took the ball cleanly so no foul and even if the ref thought it was a foul it would never in a million years have been a red
4. His passing last night was very good and integral to many of our moves
5. Did all the people moaning about him actually watch the game
6. He is the best keeper at the club for our style of play
I find it helps to scream "Bwaaaaaark!" like a gigantic chicken at the top of my lungs every time Ed goes off on one.
I find it calms my nerves, but Snorky senior nearly had a heart attack when I did it last night.

Please stop it Ed, Snork Snr is 85 this year and he says he doesn't enjoy it.
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