35,000 at Anfield today

stony said:
BlueSinclair said:
Because you all sit on your high morale horse and think you are so much better. We know the majority of liverpool supporters are great. And why do we take such pleasure from kicking someone while they are down? Just because you feel it have happened to city, doesn't make it okay to lower ourselves to their level. Fucking rise above it, and take a reality check. Garbage thread, with no real truth, just bullshit. Now throw hate at me instead of making up half truths about Liverpool.

At every little possibility to take a dig, and make up some crap about another club, this site seems to go for it. Just because we have come into some luck, doesn't mean we have to become jerks like the rest of the arrogant top club fans. Lets continue to be levelheaded and honest, instead of imitating a certain club that shall not be named.


Fucking quality, I actually pictured him when I was ready BS's post.
When Spurs were in the relegation zone two years ago they still had sold out every match and even in the Gross days.

Liverpool's support is meant to be one of the best in the country. Most neutrals and rival clubs know this is not the case
Oh wow. Classy thread guys.

What stupid logic, Liverpool have a low attendance for once and suddenly the support has ditched the club.. I think you are forgetting that all the fans still stuck around even through the Souness management era. Oh and not to mention despite being 1-0 down to Bolton at half time in the worst season since the club got relegated the fans were still singing and chanting all the way to the very end.

The fans anger against wolves is aimed at Hodgson, no not just for footballing reasons but for the fact he's slagged off our previous managers to no end, never accepts blame and instead pushes it on to others and shows a completely lack of respect for the club while constantly having his tongue stuck up fergusons arse.
The reason the crowd was low today has nothing to do with

From "Traditions and Customs of West Lancashire", by Sir Roger de Coverely. Pub. 1732, James Aikenbowe, St. Pauls Churchyard, London, at p135.

"It is to be noted, that in Liverpool and the country adjacent, a singular New Year custom is assiduously observed the likes of which is unknown in the remainder of the County Palatine of Lancaster. At the hour of Matins (or Lauds), that is upon first rising, the better sort of person do instruct their skullery maides to place before their dwelling refuse pots full of unwanted fayre and other items choice to the lower orders; including any vermin that have come to rest due to the vigilance of the well-bred household cat that does not shirk its duty. One might expect riotous and unseemly behaviour at the prospeckt of such treets, but happly, all is well-conducted and orderly. Netheless, it has been remarked by not a few in commerce, that trade slows notably as a consequence of such largesse, and places of employ witness not a few vacant posts."
Its the rags who have baited our attendances over the years so I would much rather focus my laughter on them having to plead with fans over text to buy tickets!

..but that cant be true coz its impossible to get tickets and they took a million to barcelona
nashark said:
BlueSinclair said:
Because you all sit on your high morale horse and think you are so much better. We know the majority of liverpool supporters are great. And why do we take such pleasure from kicking someone while they are down? Just because you feel it have happened to city, doesn't make it okay to lower ourselves to their level. Fucking rise above it, and take a reality check. Garbage thread, with no real truth, just bullshit. Now throw hate at me instead of making up half truths about Liverpool.

At every little possibility to take a dig, and make up some crap about another club, this site seems to go for it. Just because we have come into some luck, doesn't mean we have to become jerks like the rest of the arrogant top club fans. Lets continue to be levelheaded and honest, instead of imitating a certain club that shall not be named.

No-one's making up half truths. They got 35,400 at the game. For a club that constantly drones on about how they deserve success, and how big they are, that's pretty fucking awful.

A fanbase of 35,000 having dropped to midtable shows what a great club they are. We sold out Maine Road when we were in division two whilst our 'neighbours' were winning the Champions League. Once more, we prove that, if any club deserves success, it's us.

Liverpool = shit fans.

If any club deserves success its us!!! I find it very strange that there are any empty seats at Anfield! What happened to the season ticket waiting list for prawn sarnies down the spion kop? For me theres no half truths! Actually all this site is doing is exposing devasting truths about Liverpool Football Club! An one famous football club and their even more "FAMOUS" fans got exposed today for me! Absolutley indefensible this is their first shite season in 20 odd years and now they cant even be arsed to show up! Cant wait to see what happens when Fergie fucks off an United cascade down the league!!
Like the rags all this talk of waiting lists is shite and always was. Some of the average armchair fans put themselves on the waiting list and then can tell people 'I'm on the waiting list' to absolve themselves of responsibility. Oh how they'd love to go but they can't get the tickets the poor things. The rags apparently had over one hundred thousand on the waiting list but they couldn't even shift a few thousand when all of them were offered one. Liverpool are the same. As for the excuses we've heard earlier from scouse sympathisers, sorry but for all their talk of struggling, they'd won five home games and drawn two before yesterday, losing only two. Give them four months of no goals scored at home and they'll be playing to an empty stadium.
To be fair it's just possible they use an actual attendance rather than our system of seats sold. No way on earth there was 47,200 in today at Eastlands, because of too many people on family do's I expect. Empty seats scattered about. Glancing at RAWK it seems their spaces were all dotted about too IE: Not unsold blocks near the front etc.

It's obvious that the attendance was low as ST holders were out burgling the houses of people away on family do's.
gangerolv said:
they have been shit all year. would have been same number at eastlands if we played like that

38000+ when we were appalling under Pearce! We were miles worse then than Liverpool are at the mo, did you see their first goal? contender for goal of the season, we didn't score a goal at home for six month but we still got more than 35000!

Liverpool fans have been touted, often by themselves, as the best fans in the world. Anfields atmosphere has been lauded, often by Liverpool fans, as the best atmopshere in the world. But over the next few years we'll actually see how good Liverpool fans are. We'll see how loyal they are, we'll see how noisy they are, we'll see how good they are.

Any club can make a fuckin racket when they're in the Champions Lg semi-final. I bet even we would be and we're quiet as fuck most of the time!

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