3rd unidentified object shot down, this time over Canada - P17

Yes aliens, the ones that have travelled light years with vastly superior technology, decide to further check out just a small part of a random blue/green planet by sending some crappy slow moving stuff over aforementioned small part of blue/green planet…
Spoil sport
You know, I have no great love for the People's Republic of China. I worked there, for a year in the eighties, and I saw close up and personal what living in a totalitarian state on a day-to-day, minute-to-minute basis really means. I've been there much more recently on a visit to Shanghai, and although consumer society has put a veneer on it, it is still a society whose leaders are obsessed with social control.
That said: I know exactly how they think, and I understand it in this case. For a large part of the twentieth century, and all of this, the premise behind America's behaviour in the world is, very simply, that there is one rule for all other nations, and no rules for America. It can just do what the hell it feels like doing because well… it's America, isn't it, and In God We Trust. When America put blanket satellite coverage up into the air and basically gave it into the hands of the NSA, they made it possible to implement surveillance down to every square metre on this planet. They sure as hell didn't ask anyone else if they gave their permission, or if they wanted it. It was good for America (and for that hallowed phrase homeland security) and that was it. No arguments needed.
The Chinese look at that, and they see it as arrogance. And in this case, I happen to agree with them (although on not much else). Sending up a surveillance balloon over South America is very, very small potatoes.
I want to be watched neither by the United States of America nor by China, nor by any other power on earth without my knowledge, and my consent as a citizen.
It’s all political IMO.

China: we can send spy equipment over your airspace.

USA: yes and we can shoot them down with cruise missiles in dramatic fashion.


Theres absolutely an agenda to it, these sorts of objects have been in airspace for years and now suddenly they start getting shot down all in the space of a few days?
Theres absolutely an agenda to it, these sorts of objects have been in airspace for years and now suddenly they start getting shot down all in the space of a few days?

It’s just a bit of political dick swinging IMO. Especially as it’s all being played out in public.

The Chinese have more covert ways of spying, and the Americans have more covert ways of stopping them than using fighter jets and missiles all over the international media!
Theres absolutely an agenda to it, these sorts of objects have been in airspace for years and now suddenly they start getting shot down all in the space of a few days?
The question that needs asking is this..There is loads of stories of UFO's, whatever they may be, being shot down or crashed over the years and most have been swept under the carpet and dismissed, barring Roswell. Why is this being openly reported by government and the media when there has been a veil of silence over this shit for years? Why now?
As always-
Cui Bono?

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