5:2 diet

Started this up again after 5 weeks working away, weighed in at 17' 4 on Friday from 17' 8 the week before. Not bad for 7 days, want to get to 16' 7 by the end of the month, that'll be a total loss of 3 stone in 14 months! :-)
Week 6 is almost complete.

I have to say in the words of the great Malcolm Merton I feel fuckin "treeeeeemeeennnddddoooosssse".

I have not weighed myself but the weight has dropped off and my body feels very healthy.
I have been sticking to the plan rigorously and have found it to be very do able.
Monday and Thursday are my chosen days. Monday, after drinks at the weekend, have been very straight forward but Thursday's are not good.
I refrain from booze Monday to Thursday generally and have done for a few years now but adding in Thursday has been very hard but I have done it.
Going to keep it up till my jollies in 3 weeks and see where we go from there.

I have done many faddy diets over the years but this one is the best I have tried.

On a side note , how bloody good is water. I have kicked into touch all soft drinks and coffee and I have been drinking 5 - 6 pints of ice chilled water everyday . It really does help and you feel very cleansed.

Great thread.
toffee balls said:
Week 6 is almost complete.

I have to say in the words of the great Malcolm Merton I feel fuckin "treeeeeemeeennnddddoooosssse".

I have not weighed myself but the weight has dropped off and my body feels very healthy.
I have been sticking to the plan rigorously and have found it to be very do able.
Monday and Thursday are my chosen days. Monday, after drinks at the weekend, have been very straight forward but Thursday's are not good.
I refrain from booze Monday to Thursday generally and have done for a few years now but adding in Thursday has been very hard but I have done it.
Going to keep it up till my jollies in 3 weeks and see where we go from there.

I have done many faddy diets over the years but this one is the best I have tried.

On a side note , how bloody good is water. I have kicked into touch all soft drinks and coffee and I have been drinking 5 - 6 pints of ice chilled water everyday . It really does help and you feel very cleansed.

Great thread.

Any advice or resources that will help toffee?

Going to give this a shot as I am just so undisciplined and I desperately need to get back into shape, this hot weather has absolutely killed me!

I know for sure I don't consume enough water and am waking up craving fizzy drinks etc now after doing so well to stop drinking them in the past
bammy blue said:
Struggling to get back into this since my 6 weeks down Swindon. Don't help with the weather being nice, to tempting to get down to the cricket club and have a few ciders......

Take your top off and look in the mirror.

I'm serious,by doing such,you should get all the motivation required if you're in bad shape.If not,you have to ask yourself the question of what's more important to you and whether you really care.
FantasyIreland said:
bammy blue said:
Struggling to get back into this since my 6 weeks down Swindon. Don't help with the weather being nice, to tempting to get down to the cricket club and have a few ciders......

Take your top off and look in the mirror.

I'm serious,by doing such,you should get all the motivation required if you're in bad shape.If not,you have to ask yourself the question of what's more important to you and whether you really care.

Yeah true, i've dropped 2 stone by doing 5:2 so i know it works. Just been a struggle this past few weeks, will get my head screwed back on in the next week or so! I've got a picture from my 30th where i'm treble chinned and nearly bursting the buttons on my shirt the same shirt is now very loose on me......
FantasyIreland said:
bammy blue said:
Struggling to get back into this since my 6 weeks down Swindon. Don't help with the weather being nice, to tempting to get down to the cricket club and have a few ciders......

Take your top off and look in the mirror.

I'm serious,by doing such,you should get all the motivation required if you're in bad shape.If not,you have to ask yourself the question of what's more important to you and whether you really care.

I took my top off and thought fat bastard.
So I started 5:2, last week and lost a whole pound in the week.
Got to get more active though, but have problem with knees.
Can someone advise me.in the summer months I generally eat a lot of salads and while at work I drink plenty of water.i also drnk sugary drinks.at night a few bottles of beer and tapas.in the winter I go for homemade soups.when I lived in the uk I loved takeaways, but out in Spain I sub them with home made curries. So if I cut out the sugary drinks and beer and tapas in the week could I still have a few carbs with the salads.my job is demanding especially in the summer months.I am approx 6.2 and 95 kg.thanks for any advice.
mac said:
Can someone advise me.in the summer months I generally eat a lot of salads and while at work I drink plenty of water.i also drnk sugary drinks.at night a few bottles of beer and tapas.in the winter I go for homemade soups.when I lived in the uk I loved takeaways, but out in Spain I sub them with home made curries. So if I cut out the sugary drinks and beer and tapas in the week could I still have a few carbs with the salads.my job is demanding especially in the summer months.I am approx 6.2 and 95 kg.thanks for any advice.

Without knowing how much of any of that you consume it's pretty hard to say. If you cut the beer, sugary drinks and tapas you might still be eating 3000 calories of carb salads and curries. I doubt it but it's important to think about how much you eat, not just what you eat.

It's well worth the few minutes it takes to roughly work out your maintenance calories and how much you likely consume in a day. With a demanding job it will just mean you have a higher maintenance, so you won't need to starve yourself and impact your work to lose weight. It's something many people do and always fail diets as a result. They need 2000 cal to stand still, suddenly cut to a 1000 cal diet, feel like shit and snack on crap = No weight loss.

<a class="postlink" href="http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/</a>

Let us know what that says and we'll go from there.

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