Leeds will be a good game because its a derby like the battle of roses
Leeds is more closer to us than to man united scum because were closer to the pennines and most city fans like meself (used to live around oldham rochdale area) come from eastern manchester like oldham rochdale etc etc and most likely you find to leeds fans around them areas
There wont be chaos on the game because GMP and WYP will always be on top if leeds had 6,000 5,300 are sensible and follow there team 600 are lunatics with no interest in football only to cause chaos and distruption
Its going to be a problem for the fa when you have oldham everton man city leeds man united reading in the area you have everton fans going to oldham from liverpool to travel through manchester
Leeds coming to man city through oldham
Just remember wether its leeds or man united scum there not all are lunatics and you have sensible fans who follow there team yes they have idiots and lunatics
Anyway lets get back to football not the battle of manchester city centre
I think it will be a good game but we will win 3-1 and city to dominate most of the game