6% increase

pbibs said:
Immaculate Pasta said:
Why should he have to pay £500 in one go though?

FFS, the whole point is that they move to the new family stand and they dont have to pay anything extra. What is so difficult with this concept.

Some people sit in groups of 6, 10 or 15.

If there are one or two Juniors who moves? As they have spent 6 or 7 seasons moving the seats together investing time and money why should one adult have to move to the same (or worse) seat at the other side of the ground to watch the kids, but when the kids are older have to move to the third tier as the South Stand is full?
To be fair to the club, I think they took the season ticket survey responses as being reflective of fans as a whole, and responded accordingly. However, the questions were weighted in such a way that they gave a misleading picture, and were never wholly representative.

Thus they acknowledged that some people wanted cheaper season tickets (hence the £250 cheap seats), some wanted a bigger, genuinely family oriented Family Stand, and some were willing to pay extra for a more "exclusive" matchday experience (hence the changes to East and West Level 2 starting in 2011/12).

However, they failed spectacularly in really understanding what the majority of fans want, and leapt somewhat blindly into what can only be described as an incredibly ill thought change to their ticketing policy.

Virtually everyone at the announcement tonight voiced their disapproval at various aspects of it, and I expressed my concerns personally to senior staff afterwards. I genuinely don't think they realised quite how unpopular these moves would be (although I told them they would find out tomorrow).

I don't believe this is a conscious move to price out ordinary fans as some have suggested, I just think they have monumentally misread what fans want, basing every decision they made on a fairly unrepresentative, officially conducted survey (which by their very nature don't give a true portrayal - no one I go the game with completed it). As I said to them tonight, it feels like they have rushed major decisions without really thinking them through, and I don't think they realised the consequences.

I'm convinced they don't want to alienate the traditional, hard core fans, as every experience I have with them suggests otherwise. The onus is now on them to react accordingly. Do they proceed with something that is clearly so unpopular, or rethink their strategy and acknowledge that they really are listening to the fans?

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Either way, it's going to be a fairly major PR own goal by the club. Why they don't run these ideas by the forums first I don't know, it's essentially free market research for them.
Damocles said:
pbibs said:
sense at last........... thank god for small mercies (and marco)

And people who either haven't got kids, or have no fucking clue how to add up.

19 x 10 = 190

whats ur point.
Prestwich_Blue said:
The club has to be able to stand on its own two feet financially. As I've said before, that will involve a significant increase in match day revenue on top of CL prize money. A lot of that increase will come from corporate revenue but we'll also have to put our hands in our pockets. As someone said, we've been charged roughly the same price to watch players like Darius Vassell, Georgios Samaras, Joey Barton, Lee Croft and Stephen Jordan, managed by Stuart Pearce.

Maybe the plans the owners have for us mean that they believe they will be able to fill the stadium in the near future. And maybe they don't want/need to encourage too many kids to attend in future as it will mean losing the revenue from selling the seat to an adult.
I think you may be right m8 ..
kids dont have cash ..so forget the future just grab it while you can.. very disapointing city
feedthegoat said:
pbibs said:
They can get a fuckin paper round at fourteen , save up for two years and pay for their own fuckin ticket. Or they can go watch Blackburn ;-)
Can they get 2 rounds and please take you too.

I already have a paper round. I can pay for myself thanks.
Ric said:
To be fair to the club, I think they took the season ticket survey responses as being reflective of fans as a whole, and responded accordingly. However, the questions were weighted in such a way that they gave a misleading picture, and were never wholly representative.

Which shows our decision makers as spectacularly naive and in particularly, out of touch with the regular fan. Who did they get to write the surveys? P.T. Barnum?
felixbg said:
Immaculate Pasta said:
It would of been better for the club to have done this when we first moved.

North Stand was to become the family stand.
South Stand was to become the stand for those who want to stand and sing.
East and Colin Bell Level 2 - Coperate
East and Colin Bell Level 1 and 3 - Everyone else.

they did. when we first moved only northstand level 2 had junior prices iirc.

North Stand Level 2 was cheaper for ADULTS and kids when we first moved, but all stands had kids prices that differed for each stand.

The North stand price for kids was same as the SS though.

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