6% increase

MCFC-alan88 said:
There is a light said:
Is anyone really considering not renewing?

Will have to see what the club do and what the pricing is before I make a decision.

it certainly won't be more than the price of an away ticket for Tottenham, Fulham or Chelsea. Not worth giving up your season ticket for, although I admit I would like to know more.
pbibs said:
FFS, the whole point is that they move to the new family stand and they dont have to pay anything extra. What is so difficult with this concept.

Since you have the answers ... where do the familys go after 16 ??

to non existant seats in where ?? thats the issue

Do you really think we are going to start a new trend of evicting fans when they get to sixteen. Are you for real or just another reactionary fool. Please reply. DO YOU REALLY THINK WE WILL EVICT FANS AT SIXTEEN? LOL
pbibs said:
Since you have the answers ... where do the familys go after 16 ??

to non existant seats in where ?? thats the issue

Do you really think we are going to start a new trend of evicting fans when they get to sixteen. Are you for real or just another reactionary fool. Please reply. DO YOU REALLY THINK WE WILL EVICT FANS AT SIXTEEN? LOL

Where do you suggest they go then if all other areas of filled up? On the roof?
Ric said:
To be fair to the club, I think they took the season ticket survey responses as being reflective of fans as a whole, and responded accordingly. However, the questions were weighted in such a way that they gave a misleading picture, and were never wholly representative.

Thus they acknowledged that some people wanted cheaper season tickets (hence the £250 cheap seats), some wanted a bigger, genuinely family oriented Family Stand, and some were willing to pay extra for a more "exclusive" matchday experience (hence the changes to East and West Level 2 starting in 2011/12).

However, they failed spectacularly in really understanding what the majority of fans want, and leapt somewhat blindly into what can only be described as an incredibly ill thought change to their ticketing policy.

Virtually everyone at the announcement tonight voiced their disapproval at various aspects of it, and I expressed my concerns personally to senior staff afterwards. I genuinely don't think they realised quite how unpopular these moves would be (although I told them they would find out tomorrow).

I don't believe this is a conscious move to price out ordinary fans as some have suggested, I just think they have monumentally misread what fans want, basing every decision they made on a fairly unrepresentative, officially conducted survey (which by their very nature don't give a true portrayal - no one I go the game with completed it). As I said to them tonight, it feels like they have rushed major decisions without really thinking them through, and I don't think they realised the consequences.

I'm convinced they don't want to alienate the traditional, hard core fans, as every experience I have with them suggests otherwise. The onus is now on them to react accordingly. Do they proceed with something that is clearly so unpopular, or rethink their strategy and acknowledge that they really are listening to the fans?

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Either way, it's going to be a fairly major PR own goal by the club. Why they don't run these ideas by the forums first I don't know, it's essentially free market research for them.

Spot on Ric. As Ric said, the general feedback from the fans who attended the meeting was one of disbelief.(perhaps that's not the right word?) Various aspects of the proposals were questioned at length.

I got the feeling towards the end of the question and answer session that the representatives from City were taken aback by our reaction to certain aspects of the proposals.
jrb said:
Ric said:
To be fair to the club, I think they took the season ticket survey responses as being reflective of fans as a whole, and responded accordingly. However, the questions were weighted in such a way that they gave a misleading picture, and were never wholly representative.

Thus they acknowledged that some people wanted cheaper season tickets (hence the £250 cheap seats), some wanted a bigger, genuinely family oriented Family Stand, and some were willing to pay extra for a more "exclusive" matchday experience (hence the changes to East and West Level 2 starting in 2011/12).

However, they failed spectacularly in really understanding what the majority of fans want, and leapt somewhat blindly into what can only be described as an incredibly ill thought change to their ticketing policy.

Virtually everyone at the announcement tonight voiced their disapproval at various aspects of it, and I expressed my concerns personally to senior staff afterwards. I genuinely don't think they realised quite how unpopular these moves would be (although I told them they would find out tomorrow).

I don't believe this is a conscious move to price out ordinary fans as some have suggested, I just think they have monumentally misread what fans want, basing every decision they made on a fairly unrepresentative, officially conducted survey (which by their very nature don't give a true portrayal - no one I go the game with completed it). As I said to them tonight, it feels like they have rushed major decisions without really thinking them through, and I don't think they realised the consequences.

I'm convinced they don't want to alienate the traditional, hard core fans, as every experience I have with them suggests otherwise. The onus is now on them to react accordingly. Do they proceed with something that is clearly so unpopular, or rethink their strategy and acknowledge that they really are listening to the fans?

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Either way, it's going to be a fairly major PR own goal by the club. Why they don't run these ideas by the forums first I don't know, it's essentially free market research for them.

Spot on Ric. As Ric said, the general feedback from the fans who attended the meeting was one of disbelief.(perhaps that's not the right word) Various aspects of the proposals were questioned at length.

I got the felling towards the end of the question and answer seassion that the representatives from City were taken aback by our reaction to certain proposals.

Who was leading the meeting jrb?
Ric said:
To be fair to the club, I think they took the season ticket survey responses as being reflective of fans as a whole, and responded accordingly. However, the questions were weighted in such a way that they gave a misleading picture, and were never wholly representative.

Thus they acknowledged that some people wanted cheaper season tickets (hence the £250 cheap seats), some wanted a bigger, genuinely family oriented Family Stand, and some were willing to pay extra for a more "exclusive" matchday experience (hence the changes to East and West Level 2 starting in 2011/12).

However, they failed spectacularly in really understanding what the majority of fans want, and leapt somewhat blindly into what can only be described as an incredibly ill thought change to their ticketing policy.

Virtually everyone at the announcement tonight voiced their disapproval at various aspects of it, and I expressed my concerns personally to senior staff afterwards. I genuinely don't think they realised quite how unpopular these moves would be (although I told them they would find out tomorrow).

I don't believe this is a conscious move to price out ordinary fans as some have suggested, I just think they have monumentally misread what fans want, basing every decision they made on a fairly unrepresentative, officially conducted survey (which by their very nature don't give a true portrayal - no one I go the game with completed it). As I said to them tonight, it feels like they have rushed major decisions without really thinking them through, and I don't think they realised the consequences.

I'm convinced they don't want to alienate the traditional, hard core fans, as every experience I have with them suggests otherwise. The onus is now on them to react accordingly. Do they proceed with something that is clearly so unpopular, or rethink their strategy and acknowledge that they really are listening to the fans?

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Either way, it's going to be a fairly major PR own goal by the club. Why they don't run these ideas by the forums first I don't know, it's essentially free market research for them.

Brilliant Ric !!!
These are the points, that we know as genuine supporters,should have been carried out in the first instance to ALL ST Holders,probably in Feb/March.
Hope the shit has hit the fan (no pun intended) and they seriously look at the overall picture on this Forum.
If its status quo,then I,m afraid as you know,this would be a gigantic cock up of all time proportions even by City standards !!
If they really believe the fans are the Clubs backbone,then someone else at the club should show their backbone and admit a terrible mistake and judgement has been made.
Keep up the great work mate.
Immaculate Pasta said:
felixbg said:
within my family we have 6 season tickets. my dad, uncle, sister & cousin are north level 2, so i guess they will be ok. me and my sister are south level 1. both 18-21 category so shouldnt be affected too much.

How old is your sister and cousin in the north stand level 2?

11 & 14, so they are fine for a few years.

tbh i dont get the fuss. this is how it was at maine road, and for the first few years at coms.

north stand was for juniors (just like platt lane was). my dad used to have to pay £300+ for my season ticket in the kippax when i was a teenager, but would have paid much less had i been in platt lane. this carried on to coms, however in 03/04 we moved to the north stand and got the cheaper price. remember him buzzing that hed saved hundreds on season tickets that year. iirc it took a few years to get relocated to north stand because there was so much demand for the cheaper kids prices (it was only upper at that time).

the problem is that we have had it too good for the last few seasons. £95 for kids anywhere in the ground is ridiculous.

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