6foot Inflatable Ferguson *****

Re: 6foot Inflatable Ferguson Penis

Really made me laugh last night especially as it started to droop in the second half!
Re: 6foot Inflatable Ferguson Penis

Ended up in with the Hamburg fans at one point.
And a lad in 111 in front of me humped it.
Re: 6foot Inflatable Ferguson Penis

ive got some film of some guy puttin it on his head lol
Re: 6foot Inflatable Ferguson Penis

I were next to banana man, me, him and my friends spent about half an hour before kick off blowing loads of inflatables up.
Re: 6foot Inflatable Ferguson Penis

I was sat right next to him, i think his user name was rixy or something. Me, my mates and banana man spent about half an hour before kick of blowing everything up it were well funny
Re: 6foot Inflatable Ferguson Penis

I was sat right next to him, i think his user name was rixy or something. Me, my mates and banana man spent about half an hour before kick of blowing everything up it were well funny
Re: 6foot Inflatable Ferguson Penis

cant spell-dont care said:
I were next to banana man, me, him and my friends spent about half an hour before kick off blowing loads of inflatables up.

arr...lol...i'm the lad that came down before kickoff and nicked a lilo and beach ball ;p

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