7 Reasons Why I hate Everton

masterwig said:
The only problems I have is the disgraceful way Moyes has acted over the Lescott thing, including accusing us of cheating in his programme notes a couple of months back. And the way the fans have been particularly bitter about the good fortune we have had. I can understand how it frustrates them building for years only to see us blow them out of the water in a short space of time by spending big but Spurs fans are in a similar position and I haven't seen any bitterness from them. They've taken things in good spirit.

It would be taking the piss if Spurs were bitter about it considering they have spent shit loads themselves.
DontLookBackInAnger said:
I'm trying to think of 7 reasons I don't hate Everton and I'm stuck on none!

1. They will always be a mid table scrapper and never come near us.
15. Mike Parry

16. fans making complaints to police saying they were offended re Barton exposing his buttocks after the same fans had been singing songs all game about barton's brother getting raped in prison showers
alib said:
16. fans making complaints to police saying they were offended re Barton exposing his buttocks after the same fans had been singing songs all game about barton's brother getting raped in prison showers

That one was pathetic. No sense of humour. You've got to be prepared to take some stick back if you give it out all game. Precious bastards.
BlueBoy2010 said:
Bazzmand Show said:
1. They will always be a mid table scrapper and never come near us.
Oh the irony!

What? The irony in the fact that you treat games against us as the biggest of the season and are obsessed with beating us?

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