8 Changes for Brum?

Wellsblue21 said:
i'd go


kolo (60 mins)

hargreaves (1st half)

nasri (for form)


lescott on for kolo
barry for hargreaves

Good shout.
Lots of talk on here about Assulin being in the team for tomorrow. Has it been announced that he will be in the squad? or is it more a case of people hoping he will?
i think he will play -


i think he may put some kids on the bench.
i think it will be


pab zab
razak/hargreaves perhaps 45 mins each depending on score

nasri or Johnson
DD said:
SamTheGuru said:
DD said:
Come on. That team is good enough to beat a lot of Premier League teams let alone the second string of a Championship side.

Let us not forget that Birmingham have a 46 game league season and are in the midst of a UEFA Cup run that is going to produce at least eight games for them. They might be holders but the last thing they need is a Carling Cup run when they now have zero chance of winning it again.

If we can't beat that outfit with those players then we have a squad that's nowhere near as good as we thought.

Let's be realistic. On paper it should be better but a central defence and central midfield that has 0 experience this year is asking for trouble. Kompany should be in there, as should Barry. Zab at right back for Ned and then I am happy :)

So you are saying that a City defence and midfield with no experience this year is going to be worse than a Birmingham midfield with no experience any year? Blimey, you are a worrier!:)

I would hate to say I told you so. There is no need to rest the entire team but it is certainly an opportunity to give some players a game. Perhaps this explains my reasons:

Pantilimon - Ok
Onuoha - Has been blacklisted by Mancini. Has only trained once or twice with the team in over a year. What would be the point in "giving him a run out"? Zab should play.
Savic - Obvious choice for this game. Needs to start getting some games under his belt. Makes sense.
K Toure - Hasn't played in how long? Sticking him straight back in next to an inexperienced youngster is a recipe for disaster. Surely you would play Kompany next to Savic as the is ultimately our centre back pairing for the future.
Kolarov - Rotation of left backs, makes sense.
Hargreaves - Half a game maybe? He is going to be nackered after 10 minutes though.
Assulin - If he doesn't play in this game, he might as well leave the club as he won't play in any other game this season and he is too old for the EDS.
Razak - I don't like the thought at all of having Hargreaves who hasn't played in 3 years next to 2 completely inexperienced players. I would much rather have Barry in.
Johnson - Self Explanatory
Balotelli - Self Explanatory
Tevez - Self Explanatory
BlueJill said:
simon23 said:
both need match practise and carlos needs to build his fitness

can anyone explain why Carlos still needs to build his fitness?

You can only get match fit by playing games training is no substitute for it add in the fact Carlos is renowned for not looking after himself in the off season diet wise or fitness wise.
Shadz69 said:
BlueJill said:
simon23 said:
both need match practise and carlos needs to build his fitness

can anyone explain why Carlos still needs to build his fitness?

You can only get match fit by playing games training is no substitute for it add in the fact Carlos is renowned for not looking after himself in the off season diet wise or fitness wise.

and kolo needs to play to keep him away from them diet pills
Looks like no Gai Assulin - again. He's playing for the EDS against Bury as we speak (1-0 after 70 minutes, Harry Bunn once again). Team:

Halsall, Smith, Cunningham, Chantler, Veseli, Meppen-Walter, Roman, A Mancini, Bunn, Assulin, F Mancini

Cunningham's first game back from a broken leg.

But this lineup does suggest Rekik, Suarez, Scapuzzi, and Razak will get minutes tonight. Roman was supposed to but of course mysteriously dropped from the squad and is back on EDS duty.

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