9/11 Conspiracies

terryphelan said:
Can someone tell me the difference between people who espouse this kind of shit and people who try to deny the holocaust?

this is probably a very difficult question to really tie-down.

some interesting observations by people on the subject though in this thread.

I'd point out one thing right here, and that is the Dunning-Kruger effect...

- this relates to people who think they're more competent (and knowledgeable) and those who think they don't know quite as much and are more qualified in their self-assessment of themselves. Note THEMSELVES, not in their assessment of external situations or events! This is the key here.

The irony is the more someone remains convinced of their own 'endowments' the more likely it is that in reality (if they are objectively measured against the rest of the population) there is in fact a greater disparity between how intelligent (for instance) they think they are and how intelligent they actually are (when compared to the rest of the population).

Essentially the more educated people are or the more competent, generally the more humility they exhibit, and the greater self-awareness they have. They are more 'in touch' so to speak, centred, or grounded.

I know it's not easy to pinpoint what the difference is between 9/11 fanatics and Holocaust deniers. People have already pointed out the more likely ethnocentric leanings of the latter group, but there are similarities between people who cannot figure out what most of us with basic common sense and a modicum of intelligence and a grip on reality do understand.

Applying the Dunning-Kruger effect could suggest further conclusions are possible, which might mean I'd rather be in a room with a Holocaust denier than a 9/11 conspiracist, although I reckon I'd prefer to be a million miles away from both.


As a footnote, anyone who thinks the US gov't or any of it's people had any knowledge of 9/11 beforehand that they deliberately hid or even had an active hand in matters (for whatever reasons - and don't forget the billions of billions of dollars of economic dislocation caused, aside from the heinous loss of life and nature of the atrocity) is an absolute nutter whose sanity I question and would have serious reservations about.
Basically the CIA, NSA or whatever they're called got the blame for not getting wind of this attack,

No conspiracy, unlike Diana, just an unexpected attack,

You can almost guarantee this will never happen again,
Can one of you fellas give me a quick guide to copying and pasting one of those "facepalm" pics from another thread onto here please?
Meanwhile the OP sits back unnoticed and smiles at finally achieving his long-held ambition to create disharmony on BlueMoon and cause bad blood amongst strangers.
He's tried several times previously and been largely unsuccessful.
Frustrated at this he went for the motherlode this time - mentioning both 9/11 and the holocaust.
There was no way this one was going to fail. Well done Terryphelan.

Since I wrote the above paragraph the disagreement has been removed.
There's a clear difference between holocaust deniers and 9/11 conspiracy theorists, we have clear and incontrovertible evidence of the Holocaust whereas there are a few things that just don't really wash with 9/11 I'm by no means an expert but the 7th tower and finding perfect passports in an incredibly hot pile of rubble seem more than a little odd to me, I'm sure there's a plausible explanation but it puzzles me why it hasn't been made public.
without a dream said:
There's a clear difference between holocaust deniers and 9/11 conspiracy theorists, we have clear and incontrovertible evidence of the Holocaust whereas there are a few things that just don't really wash with 9/11 I'm by no means an expert but the 7th tower and finding perfect passports in an incredibly hot pile of rubble seem more than a little odd to me, I'm sure there's a plausible explanation but it puzzles me why it hasn't been made public.

if you're still confused or searching for answers, there's a fair amount of chit chat about this sort of stuff and related matters on these earlier threads, and how you might logically and with common sense arrive at a resolution to your questioning:-

<a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=139567" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">viewtopic.php?f=5&t=139567</a>

<a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=139026" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">viewtopic.php?f=5&t=139026</a>

<a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=139570" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">viewtopic.php?f=5&t=139570</a>

there are lots of people who try and work backwards, especially with the moon landing conspiracy theories (which a recent investigative television programme elegantly scientifically tested and found perfectly good results consistent with what actually happened - ie. to support the moon landings and the 'evidence' that conspiratorial thinkers meant it was all faked) and get into trouble misleading themselves. If you follow the above it may give you a more reasoned and better perspective on matters. The programme mentioned might also be linked via YouTube somewhere in the first thread.
I always go with the fact that governments are so incompetent that they couldnt pull off a decent comspiracy if there life depended on it, especially keeping it quiet
hilts said:
I always go with the fact that governments are so incompetent that they couldnt pull off a decent comspiracy if there life depended on it, especially keeping it quiet

and that's another great reason Hilts that might have been excluded from all the above discussions, ehehe<br /><br />-- Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:58 pm --<br /><br />
Lucky Toma said:
Meanwhile the OP sits back unnoticed and smiles at finally achieving his long-held ambition to create disharmony on BlueMoon and cause bad blood amongst strangers.
He's tried several times previously and been largely unsuccessful.
Frustrated at this he went for the motherlode this time - mentioning both 9/11 and the holocaust.
There was no way this one was going to fail. Well done Terryphelan.

Since I wrote the above paragraph the disagreement has been removed.

yes, this thread has been sanitized for your protection, ehehehe

Lucky Toma said:
Meanwhile the OP sits back unnoticed and smiles at finally achieving his long-held ambition to create disharmony on BlueMoon and cause bad blood amongst strangers.
He's tried several times previously and been largely unsuccessful.
Frustrated at this he went for the motherlode this time - mentioning both 9/11 and the holocaust.
There was no way this one was going to fail. Well done Terryphelan.

Since I wrote the above paragraph the disagreement has been removed.

Yeah, sorry about that. It got personal :-(

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