9/11 Conspiracies

mancitygaz said:
Basically the CIA, NSA or whatever they're called got the blame for not getting wind of this attack,

No conspiracy, unlike Diana, just an unexpected attack,

You can almost guarantee this will never happen again,

Not for at least 50 years.

Pearl harbour
mat said:
mancitygaz said:
Basically the CIA, NSA or whatever they're called got the blame for not getting wind of this attack,

No conspiracy, unlike Diana, just an unexpected attack,

You can almost guarantee this will never happen again,

Not for at least 50 years.

Pearl harbour
I find the double standards in this thread truly appalling.

A relative of mine was killed in the 9/11 attacks, it was a terrorist atrocity the likes of which we've never seen before. Thousands died and their murders were mindless. Seeing some of the conspiracy videos on YouTube makes me feel fucking sick. Similarly the holocaust was an absolutely horrific event.

That people can seriously suggest that somehow disputing the number of Jews killed in the holocaust is a worse crime than suggesting that the US govt was involved in 9/11 also makes me feel fucking sick. It shows a complete lack of respect for the memory of those who perished.

One argument was that 'holocaust deniers are anti-semitic' - well in my experience 9/11 conspiracy theorists are anti-American. Sorry but this argument does not fly.

Oh and Lucky Toma, why you chose to personally attack me I have no idea, but I hope you are reprimanded for it. I see you (or a mod) has edited your post.
Ah, conspiracy theories. You have to tread very carefully because usually they contain elements of truth which are then strung together to make an illogical whole. I endorse the truthful elements because I'm a stubborn believer in telling the truth. I make no apologies for this. In fact, trying to hide the truth just lends credence to conspiracy theories. The holocaust is one of them. When I was in sixth form, the history students had just returned from Auschwitz, and I told one of them (then a friend of mine) that the 'gas chamber' they had visited was a post-war reconstruction. Note that I say reconstruction rather than a fake, thus implying that I believed it was there in the first place. At which point my friend flatly refused to believe me and as good as called me a holocaust denier. It doesn't matter how good my evidence is or that it's corroborated by the testimony of Soviet soldiers who liberated Auschwitz, or that there was an article with masses of proof about it written by an anti-revisionist in L'Express or that Dr. Franciszek Piper admitted it on camera... Unfortunately, there's just no logic or rationality around issues like this because they are too emotionally-sensitive. If you dare to affirm the smaller truths you are assumed to be guilty of believing the larger lie.
Conpiracy theories?

Have none of you read the great Mancini v. Mourinho thread on the football forum?

Now that IS a proper conspiracy theory!
I look at things with an open mind. I'm not sure the US government did it, but I do not believe 9/11 was exactly what we were told it was. The US government can keep secrets, thats a definite.
terryphelan, first of all im sorry for your loss.

BUT, it seems the people who have the biggest problem believing that any kind of conspiracy exists are the people who have lost relatives or someone close in the attacks. I just want to know why that is?

I think its plain naive to completely disregard the possibility that not all is as it seems. Like i have said earlier in the thread, ive have a couple of books on this subject stating MANY conspiracy theories. Now of course im not saying i believe all of them but their are certainly a few that make you think its just not possible that the US government couldnt have done something about it, far too many coincidences.

Its not an insult to the people who died to believe in such theories, its a real hunger to want to know the truth. And lets face it, we will NEVER know the full story of what happened on 9/11 and the how possible it was to prevent it happening.

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