BoyBlue_1985 said:
TCIB said:
I think it had a major effect on it yes, basically in demolitions you have 2 charges at a set point.
1, A Cutter (thermite in this case)
2, A "kicker" which would push or "kick" the weight bearing girder out of place.
With regards to the twin towers my thougts vary to the norm as the kicker is innitiated after the cutter (usually you innitite the cutter then the kicker).
I dont claim this to be the truth, this is just physics speaking here and chemistry and in my mind this is what i personally believe.
@Bulgarianpride if memory serves 9.6 seconds which eqauted freefall speeds i.e. nothing interupting the collapse which indicates skilled demolitions.
If you are going to quote demo tactics then you should also know that to collapse a building on to itself also takes months of manually removing supporting structures and other various load bearing parts from the center of the building otherwise all you would do is unstabalise the building with the explosives also in general the theory is not to drop the building from the top downwards. It would take 2 years and an empty building to control drop 1 of the twin towers. Not 2 months with some dodgy blokes painting thermite on exposed beams
Military dems could easily have done what you say in the given time frame, it would not take months at all with proper prior planning, they had the access needed to place all the thermite needed. I don't believe you are talking from experience as it takes a lot less time (not to say i am im using known physics as a guide) to create such a circumstance.
There were whole floors reinforced to support the weight of server equiptment that was extremely restricted, which included thousands of batteries used to negate power loss to servers aka uninteruptable power supply which if you read below create more questions that were never answered and outright disregarded in the official report.
You do not need the access you suggest to create the effect needed to sufficiently weaken a structure to the point of catastrophic failure.
You say they would need to "months of manually removing supporting structures"
That is simply false, as i stated, there are documented reports of people who are leaders in this field who totally prove your idea to be wrong, their are sections of the military trained to do this well within 2 weeks, and that being generous with regards to time alowed.
These are not no mark crazies but heads of science at some of the worlds leading institutes.
This again has been varified by various experts in the field of demolitions and the physics of such actions, i am willing to provide info if you cant find it via google.
I have not given all info as that is not done in a few short paragraphs. A detailed rebuke for all the current reasons would run into hundreds of pages.
The server rooms i speak of were never used, yet were fully equipt not as a backup but as primary usage, the techs for the company that owned them didn't even have access to them, is that not strange ?
You answer your own query when you talk about destabilization, not one person with detailed knowledge of demolition has said anything other than it appears to be an extremely well conducted controlled demolition not ONE. That strikes me at minimum as strange.
Hey bud thats cool i like others point of view i encourage it, the fault with your logic here though lies with the combustion temperature of the fuel which is considerably higher than what you would put in your car i still far below even if it was sustained which it wasn't is no where near enough to affect the molecular structure of the steel in question bud (even with the load bearing it had to cope with), i though the sam at first thought.