Pigeonho said:
When do you think they did all that precise planning? Was it when all the office workers were at home in bed? What did they tell Frank the security guy as they went in and out each night, and why the fuck didn't Frank or his dog, Jasper, raise the alarm when they saw packages saying 'highly explosive' on them? Was it because that simply didn't happen?
I dont know when or how it happened. There were reports that there were fire drills and power outs a few weeks leading up to the attacks. WTC 7 was also a government building that had high security government files in it. Its not like tom, dick and harry would be wondering through their at their own leisure.
Anyway im purely looking at the engineering side. Steel is a strong motherfucking material....the buildings seemed to fall without any resistance. The steel columns where the plane hit may have been damaged, but how come the tower didn't tip towards the side it was hit when it fell? It fell down like a controlled demolition.
The official report said pancake theory yet that seems impossible with the speed in which it collapsed and many other factors.