A City Sale As A Kid That Broke Your Heart

Like many others I loved Tueart and was heartbroken when he left. Likwise with big Mal's folly in late 70's.

More recently apart for the obvious mentioend Berkovic going left me upset as I loved watching him play.....and to to be replaced by McpOintyman and Sibeierski?
David Wagstaff - Cried into my hot and beefy, and soaked my wagon wheel.

It wasn't until a few months later that I realised he wasn't actually 'all that'.

Watching Mike Summerbee play totally changed my views on what made a footballer great - Still the best player in the world - EVER.

I cried at Buzzer's testimonial.

Steve Redmond. I was gutted because he was just mr.city for me for so long. Paul Stewart was a real loss at the time, and Paul Walsh is a given as one of the worst decisions ever so i was gutted at that. More recently, Jo.

Not really.
SWP. He was my favourite player and we looked like we were going nowhere with him. Then we lose him and i was certain we could go down! Imagine my excitement when we resigned him!<br /><br />-- Wed May 23, 2012 12:01 pm --<br /><br />SWP. He was my favourite player and we looked like we were going nowhere with him. Then we lose him and i was certain we could go down! Imagine my excitement when we resigned him!
not a kid at the time but Clive Wilson came straight to mind, gutted when he left

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