A City Sale As A Kid That Broke Your Heart

Clive Wilson for me too. I actually rang the club and spoke to someone - think it may even have been Bernard but tbh I can't remember what was said.

I remember being not happy about Barnes and Owen but probably too young to be that gutted.
SWP made me want to quit football i was so upset, upset at anelka too.

in a reversal i actually jumped up and down singing bluemoon when i read on ceefax that we'd signed mcmanaman, i thought we'd win the FA cup for sure
David White was an absolute legend !!! I even spiked my hair to look like him.Mmmmmmmm (did i type that out loud?) Dont think we sold him though???? Just got old????
Ed68 said:
Clive Wilson for me too. I actually rang the club and spoke to someone - think it may even have been Bernard but tbh I can't remember what was said.

I remember being not happy about Barnes and Owen but probably too young to be that gutted.

I wrote to the club as well about Clive Wilson-fair play to Jimmy Friz. for taking the time to reply.
mayo31 said:
Dave Watson, tueart, Kidd, Barnes, Owen - unbelievable when you write the names down

Is unbelievable, and we would have never recovered if it wasn't for Sheikh Mansour.

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