A disgrace?

We put out a stronger team and win, Mancini should have saved the players for Chelsea and given the chance to some of the youngsters, and we're stifling the progression of some promising kids. As it is, he gave some of them a chance against a Premiership team and they didn't come up to scratch, so we now know what aspects of their development we have to work on.

The only thing I'm miffed about is playing Jo as a winger (already been tried, didn't work). He played better than RSC and scored as well, so all those calling for RSC over Jo have been proved wrong. Given has shown why he's not no 1 any more, so that argument can be laid to rest. Guidetti showed glimpses of how very, very good he is going to be, so that's another positive from an otherwise poor result.

But give Mancini a break, he's got massive injury concerns, and has to prioritise other competitions over this. On the up side, we now can redouble our efforts on the 3 competitions that we are still in, and make a realistic challenge to win the Europa and FA cups.

Chins up blues, we've been through worse, and the ret of this season and seasons for decades to come are looking very bright indeed!
Mancini has just followed the policy of all other managers competing in europe this season by prioritising other competitions over the Carling Cup.

Redknapp, Wenger, Hodgson, Fergie have all played weakened team surely that suggests to some of the fans that maybe his decision is the correct one with a long arduous season ahead.

No we havent won a trophy for many years but Mancini was not responsible for the failings of the Royles, Balls, Hortons, McNeils etc. It is his responsibility to do the best for the club at this moment in time and the fact he is follwoing the same policy of the other managers involved in euro competition suggests to me it's the right decision whatever the self-appointed experts on blue moon think.

The bigger picture is top four, a good run in europe therefore more exposure will be more beneficial to the club in the long run. And so he is correct in pursuing these aims.
franksinatra said:
Mancini has just followed the policy of all other managers competing in europe this season by prioritising other competitions over the Carling Cup.

Redknapp, Wenger, Hodgson, Fergie have all played weakened team surely that suggests to some of the fans that maybe his decision is the correct one with a long arduous season ahead.

No we havent won a trophy for many years but Mancini was not responsible for the failings of the Royles, Balls, Hortons, McNeils etc. It is his responsibility to do the best for the club at this moment in time and the fact he is follwoing the same policy of the other managers involved in euro competition suggests to me it's the right decision whatever the self-appointed experts on blue moon think.

The bigger picture is top four, a good run in europe therefore more exposure will be more beneficial to the club in the long run. And so he is correct in pursuing these aims.

hilts said:
theres only one carlito said:
Of course I want us to be successfull and win trophies, but Im not gonna blow my own head off or mancini's for that matter because we got beat. We are going to lose games some more important than others and for me this type of game is not "most important" in terms of where I would like us to be at the end of the season we are competing in three compititions bigger than this one imo and I would rather sacrifice this for a decent run in any of them. 4th in prem fa cup semi/final europa league final carling cup MEH!

you would rather get to a semi of the fa cup than win the carling cup? are you mad

Citizen_Ando said:
Know Im going to get slated for this but ohwell. Tonight was an absolute disgrace! , it may not be the biggest competition but it was absolutely ridiculus to throw away our chances in it like that. In my opinion Mancini's made an extremely big mistake tonight starting such a weak and inexperienced team.

And before anyone accuses me of being a Mancini hater and wanted him gone. I don't want him gone I just think sometimes he should take the players and fans interests into consideration instead of putting his totalitarian dressing room regime into affect.

And to all the people that say "blah blah, we stuck with City through the tough times" Yes we did, and we'll do it again. But this isn't a tough time, this should be a time when we're going from strength to strength!

That was a genuine chance for us to win a trophy this year and realistically we only have the F.A cup and Europa League to aim for this year now. Both of which are going to be a lot harder than the league cup would have been.

Am I wrong to have increased expectations in recent years, I really don't think so. I atleast would assume we could beat a team such as West Brom, even with a weaker team? (and don't call me a moaner because this is my first serious criticism)

I agree with what you are saying BUT having calmed down a bit I can't decide whether I'd prefer three points on Saturday in exchange for the team selection tonight. These decisions will ultimately decide Mancini's fate. If we get three points against Chelski that mean we qualify for the Champs League then well played. If not then unfortunately it was a bad decision.

Honestly i think if Spurs had qualified last he might have fielded a stronger team but since they were knocked out I think Mancini viewed it as a handicap to be in this cup while our closest rival for champions league would be able to rest.

Okay maybe im looking for a silver lining but f**k it its better than the alternative
it is disappointing and i certainly feel sorry for the fans that went tonight. even if he played a second team we may have won but it seemed we played a 3rd string. but bobby must want the players to rest and the last thing we want is injuries going in to the chelsea game.
FFS -although frowned upon the team tonight -against a decent premiership side (at home) - i have to look at the bigger picture -Mancini keeps reiterating all these games -so they have obviously weighed up the situation & think the europa lge is more of a priority - Come the end of the season do u prefer winning the carling cup -OR qualify for the champs lge - look at the results -Spurs out - Chelski out -Pool out -City out -all have european comps plus lge etc- Utd n Arsenal can fight it out -but might be all that either of them teams win -FINGERS CROSSED !
Tuart76 said:
FFS -although frowned upon the team tonight -against a decent premiership side (at home) - i have to look at the bigger picture -Mancini keeps reiterating all these games -so they have obviously weighed up the situation & think the europa lge is more of a priority - Come the end of the season do u prefer winning the carling cup -OR qualify for the champs lge - look at the results -Spurs out - Chelski out -Pool out -City out -all have european comps plus lge etc- Utd n Arsenal can fight it out -but might be all that either of them teams win -FINGERS CROSSED !

all have won a trophy in the last 35 years.

I just feel we're not entitled to choose yet.
theres only one carlito said:
hilts said:
you would rather get to a semi of the fa cup than win the carling cup? are you mad


you do realise they dont give you a cup for a semi dont you, also do you think the europa is held in particular high regard? the europa is the carling cup of europe, i personally would love to win either just to see us win something

i also think that us getting knocked out tonight gives us a better chance of the europa or anything else is nonsense, it would have meant 5 extra games over the whole season
Tuart76 said:
FFS -although frowned upon the team tonight -against a decent premiership side (at home) - i have to look at the bigger picture -Mancini keeps reiterating all these games -so they have obviously weighed up the situation & think the europa lge is more of a priority - Come the end of the season do u prefer winning the carling cup -OR qualify for the champs lge - look at the results -Spurs out - Chelski out -Pool out -City out -all have european comps plus lge etc- Utd n Arsenal can fight it out -but might be all that either of them teams win -FINGERS CROSSED !

You do know how to spell the King of all Geordies name correctly I assume?

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