A (hopefully) non offensive thread from a stern pro Hughes..

Immaculate Pasta said:
Fuzzmaster101 said:
You think what you've done elsewhere in a corrupt and weak league is enough to suggest success here?
What's to suggest Hughes would have been a success here?

Fuzzmaster101 said:
Sven did well in Serie A but was shocking here both for England and for us.

FFS now you really are taking the piss, if you think Sven was shocking for us and for England then deary me. Just remind me how England got on at Euro 2008 and did we improve on 9th place the next season after spending £70m on the side?

Fuzzmaster101 said:
What you've done elsewhere is meaningless if you can't do it here.

He been here fucking 3 months, he can't even speak fluent English yet.

Fuzzmaster101 said:
As for your first question, he gave me hope for a semi-successful season which at the moment Mancini seems to be destroying.

How is he destroying it? We are still on course for 4th.

Fuzzmaster101 said:
You seem to ignore most of what I write because it doesn't tie in with your hatred of Hughes.

I don't hate Hughes, i didn't like him but at least i gave him the time to prove me wrong and win me round. You're not even giving Mancini a summer transfer window!!

Fuzzmaster101 said:
What has Mancini achieved in the Premiership? Nothing.


Fuzzmaster101 said:
I hope he gets us fourth but it's a pipe dream for me now unless we start to look good playing football which we currently look nothing like. If he can't do a good job in 3 months then why get rid of Hughes in the first place? Why not wait till the end of the season and then change managers? Now we haven't got a good chance of getting 4th because we are playing poorly.

You don't hope at all, your mind is made up, Mancini is clueless according to you and any success he will bring such as 4th this season will make you look clueless.
I've always thought you made poor arguements Pasta and you prove it again. Sven was poor in all the major competitions and was clueless as a manager for us. We only finished 9th because of our flying start in his season here. Our results for the last 2/3rds of the season were equivalent to hovering above relegation. I never said Hughes had any credentials I just pointed out that Mancini's past performance is no bearing on his ability to manage in the Prem. Do you think we are the favourites to finish 4th? I think we're getting near to the least favourite out of the 4 most likely teams. Before Hughes left I was very confident of a top 4 finish and even fancied 3rd, not any more. I've never said I wanted Mancini gone either and I'll happily give him a summer transfer window but I need to see he has a clue which I haven't as yet, have you? Defence a shambles still but now a toothless attack too. We were lucky not to get beaten in the two Stoke games before tonight, home and away. I wasn't at all suprised we went out tonight but was pleasantly suprised for the first 25 mins. I almost started to have hope. But it went very quickly.
Immaculate Pasta said:
Fuzzmaster101 said:
I hope he gets us fourth but it's a pipe dream for me now unless we start to look good playing football which we currently look nothing like. If he can't do a good job in 3 months then why get rid of Hughes in the first place? Why not wait till the end of the season and then change managers? Now we haven't got a good chance of getting 4th because we are playing poorly.

You don't hope at all, your mind is made up, Mancini is clueless according to you and any success he will bring such as 4th this season will make you look clueless.
My mind is not made up but you really love to put words in other people's mouths don't you? You do it a lot. I don't think I called Mancini clueless anywhere but I might be mistaken, I have had a few ales. However I certainly do hope he does well, if he does I'm hoping he brings in Hamsik in the summer, one of my favourite players in the world now. I know that Mancini's a big fan of his. You think you know how I feel and you like to make bold statements of that fact, but you are in fact the clueless one. If he does well I'll be over the moon and he will do it by proving me right, we won't get 4th playing the way we are at the moment. Therefore I won't be made to look clueless at all.
let's get this straight. mark hughes is gone, never to return. for goodness sakes' we all had our opinions on him but can't you see they are completely irrelevant now?

are you hoping that people change their views on him now? what good would that do? what possible sense is there in saying, oh, I've decided hughes wasnt that bad, didn't deserve the sack, therefore I now want mancini to be sacked. are you seriously suggesting we should get hughes back?

I just can't figure out the point of banging hughes' drum now that he's gone. to me it's just about you being able to say you were right all along. it's certainly got nothing to do with the future of this club. let's look forwards, not backwards.
Fuzzmaster101 said:
I've always thought you made poor arguements Pasta and you prove it again.

Why because you don't agree with me?

Fuzzmaster101 said:
Sven was poor in all the major competitions and was clueless as a manager for us. We only finished 9th because of our flying start in his season here.

Sven took a team that was shite, boring and had scored 10 goals at home all season to one that comfortably finished in the top half giving us some nice football aswell, not bad for his first season when he knew from Feb he wasn't going to be in a job any longer.

Fuzzmaster101 said:
Our results for the last 2/3rds of the season were equivalent to hovering above relegation.

Fuck me what a lie.

Fuzzmaster101 said:
I never said Hughes had any credentials I just pointed out that Mancini's past performance is no bearing on his ability to manage in the Prem. Do you think we are the favourites to finish 4th?

No one is favourite to finish 4th, it's between 4 teams who all have an equal chance of finishing there.

Fuzzmaster101 said:
I think we're getting near to the least favourite out of the 4 most likely teams.

That's your opinion but with level on points with 4th with a game in hand with Spurs and Villa to play at home and only Arsenal and Chelsea away i'd say we weren't the least favourites.

Fuzzmaster101 said:
Before Hughes left I was very confident of a top 4 finish and even fancied 3rd, not any more.
I've never said I wanted Mancini gone either and I'll happily give him a summer transfer window but I need to see he has a clue which I haven't as yet, have you? Defence a shambles still but now a toothless attack too. We were lucky not to get beaten in the two Stoke games before tonight, home and away. I wasn't at all suprised we went out tonight but was pleasantly suprised for the first 25 mins. I almost started to have hope. But it went very quickly.

Again it's your opinion but can't beleive you think our defence is a shambles, it is anything but. I don't know what the current stats are but i still would hazard a guess that our goals conceded average is still better than Hughes and if it is then how were you confident of a top 4 finish under hughes when you are calling this defence a shambles when it was worse under Hughes?
Immaculate Pasta said:
Fuzzmaster101 said:
Our results for the last 2/3rds of the season were equivalent to hovering above relegation.

Fuck me what a lie.
It is not! Our form for the last 2/3rds of the season would have put us on 47 points for the season had the whole season been played in that manner. That's hovering above relegation in anyone's book as 40 is thought of as the magic number. You can work it out for yourself, I have done it for you but you can check my maths which is usually very good.
Immaculate Pasta said:
Fuzzmaster101 said:
Before Hughes left I was very confident of a top 4 finish and even fancied 3rd, not any more.
I've never said I wanted Mancini gone either and I'll happily give him a summer transfer window but I need to see he has a clue which I haven't as yet, have you? Defence a shambles still but now a toothless attack too. We were lucky not to get beaten in the two Stoke games before tonight, home and away. I wasn't at all suprised we went out tonight but was pleasantly suprised for the first 25 mins. I almost started to have hope. But it went very quickly.

Again it's your opinion but can't beleive you think our defence is a shambles, it is anything but. I don't know what the current stats are but i still would hazard a guess that our goals conceded average is still better than Hughes and if it is then how were you confident of a top 4 finish under hughes when you are calling this defence a shambles when it was worse under Hughes?
It is my opinion and I did feel very confident of our season before Xmas. The defence is no better now regardless of stats. I use my eyes to see how it's performing we've been VERY lucky. I think Kompany and Lescott at CB and Richards and Bridge at R and LB positions could be the answer though so long as all keep fit. I want to see an improvement and if there is one (very slight it must be) it's been heavily at the expense of our attack which is looking very toothless. I don't think we should be beating teams 3-0 every game (as some people who like to put words in other people's mouths often try and use as an attack on here) I would be happy winning 1-0 or even 2-1 as long as we put in a good performance. I thought we looked promising against Liverpool and again at the start of tonight's game but not enough to cancel out the weeks of dross we've been watching.

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