A-Level Results Day - Thursday 18th August

Anybody coming up to Edinburgh Uni? Interested to know how many people are coming north of the border to avoid the new fees. Plus, I'm pretty sure I'm the only person up here that comes from the Manchester region. We needed a stronger Manc contingent!
I got AS level results and wasn't nervous or excited leading up to it because I was on holiday! Woke up this morning to glance at my results before flying home to discover I got AABC, Physics, Computing, Product Design and Maths respectively which sets me up nicely for next year! Been buzzing all day!
I'v just left Salford, done 2 years on a business course gettin arseholed every night, buyin loads of stuff with my student loan!! had a quality 2 years but left with 12 grand debt and no degree! enjoy it everyone goin but make sure you get the balance right, i sadly did not.
nashark said:
Michael Corleone said:
I got two A* and still missed my offer due to a B :(


-- Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:53 am --

What were you applying for mccity?

Haha at the picture.

Unlucky kid; though, you must have done less academically rigorous subjects to be rejected with two A*s.

Yeah, Maths and Further Maths have nothing on Photography these days ;)
Doing A Levels in September after wasting 2 years doing a Btec, not putting any effort in after the first 6 months and not really going in for the last 6 months. I still passed it
My son got 1 B', 2xC, and an E.

Bit of light hearted, ribbing from me on the E. to a reply of, Dad ony 3 people in the class got a mark.

Now if he had paid for his A levels, id be asking some awkward questions.

Stockport college.

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