a little birdie...Torres et al...

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YCNMIU said:
I know that they are not ITK because absolutely NOTHING that they have said has come to pass.

And I reserve the right to say what i want. Freedom of speech 'n that.

I am not saying insulting them really, just saying that they post spurious nonsense that they know to be false (or at the very least that they do not know to be the case) and are not ITK (or is that an insult).

I love the way that any modicum of dissent on this board is taken as being intolerable.

Think of the transfer forum like the WWE. You know it's not real, just there to entertain.

Some folks state we've signed players already that obviously we havent yet got round to announcing because obviously they are fit enough to miss pre season training.

Just use common sense and see it for what is really is....a good laugh.
Rammy Blue said:
But you were reading the thread in order to see Tolmie's post....

Oh the ironing.

The ironing is delicious, I'll give you that.

Nah, I'm as eager as anyone else for inside information, and I'll check these threads for such quite regularly. I genuinely believed that Corky chap, he seemed really sincere.

So if it was all speculation, that would be fine. This thread, however, is nonsense. There's never any actual information. It's just an ego-trip for one particular poster.<br /><br />-- Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:34 pm --<br /><br />
blueinsa said:
Your the needy one!

post reported. Your spoiling for an argument here mate, hoping the thread descends into a slanging match just so that you can have your own way.

Ah, if only I were as needy as the Tolmie Gang...

And I totally stayed out of this thread, until TH started going on about my dick. At that point, one has to wade in.
ST Coleridge said:
Rammy Blue said:
But you were reading the thread in order to see Tolmie's post....

Oh the ironing.

The ironing is delicious, I'll give you that.

Nah, I'm as eager as anyone else for inside information, and I'll check these threads for such quite regularly. I genuinely believed that Corky chap, he seemed really sincere.

So if it was all speculation, that would be fine. This thread, however, is nonsense. There's never any actual information. It's just an ego-trip for one particular poster.

-- Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:34 pm --

blueinsa said:
Your the needy one!

post reported. Your spoiling for an argument here mate, hoping the thread descends into a slanging match just so that you can have your own way.

Ah, if only I were as needy as the Tolmie Gang...

And I totally stayed out of this thread, until TH started going on about my dick. At that point, one has to wade in.

Can you explain how someone with an ego trip only average 2 posts a day like tolm?
Coleridge if you don't like the thread and it's content then don't read it. There are very few people on here that don't find this section of the Forum; Amusing,Informative and interesting. You know what this section is about so why bother posting or reading posts in here?. It seems to me you have a serious attitude problem with some members and your reasons for doing so are pathetic to be honest. You do yourself, fellow members or this forum no favours.
ST Coleridge said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
I would say accusing anyone, including myself as a bullshitter, is an insult.

You have every right to question, or even show a dissenting voice, but please do not try to clasify me, based on no knowledge of me whatsoever.

You are clearly articulate, but nonetheless, a bully of the worst kind.

Somebody who attempts to dress up their agenda with prose, and a sense of trying to be the self-appointed protectorate of fellow City fans.

People can think for themselves. Feel free to take a look into my post histories or classic threads.

...once you have taken your agenda and Coleridge's dick out of your hand.

Even-handed, if nothing else.

And, once more - how is his doubting worse than the lying & ego-tripping that characterises these threads?

What has a Vanessa Williams song got to do with anything? Our best signing will be our last, I presume? Go on then, do tell. Otherwise stop posting nonsense that does nothing but string everyone along, making them scream 'Oh Tolmie's here! Tolmie's back!' - which increasingly seems to be the point of this entire thread. Gawd knows we haven't had any actual information.

You are not doubting, though, you are accusing.

You are accusing me of being a liar. That's your opinion, wrongly.

However, you attempt to force that opinion on to everyone else.

As for my admittedly erroneous music clips, to you, they are - as you are a self-confessed KFA.

For myself, they are relevant at all times, to other people, amusing, for others, crap.

My ego is at the door, my post histories are there for your perusal, as and when you can be bothered.

I have continued to labour the point as to why I chose this summer to post music clips.

Ambiguous enough in nature, not to compromise anybody, including myself, or Ric, who, incidentally, knows me as an acquaintance.

If you are seriously in fear for this board, please speak directly to him, should you wish for clarity.

The OP in this thread was shot down by you, also. Regardless, it was reported on News Now, fully justifying why You Tube was considered my best friend.

I see you have started your own thread, which I believe to be a good idea.

That way, I don't need to read bile directed towards anybody else.
ST Coleridge said:
Rammy Blue said:
But you were reading the thread in order to see Tolmie's post....

Oh the ironing.

The ironing is delicious, I'll give you that.

Nah, I'm as eager as anyone else for inside information, and I'll check these threads for such quite regularly. I genuinely believed that Corky chap, he seemed really sincere.

So if it was all speculation, that would be fine. This thread, however, is nonsense. There's never any actual information. It's just an ego-trip for one particular poster.

-- Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:34 pm --

blueinsa said:
Your the needy one!

post reported. Your spoiling for an argument here mate, hoping the thread descends into a slanging match just so that you can have your own way.

Ah, if only I were as needy as the Tolmie Gang...

And I totally stayed out of this thread, until TH started going on about my dick. At that point, one has to wade in.

And you called me gullible., oh the ironing, its piling up.
ST Coleridge said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
I would say accusing anyone, including myself as a bullshitter, is an insult.

You have every right to question, or even show a dissenting voice, but please do not try to clasify me, based on no knowledge of me whatsoever.

You are clearly articulate, but nonetheless, a bully of the worst kind.

Somebody who attempts to dress up their agenda with prose, and a sense of trying to be the self-appointed protectorate of fellow City fans.

People can think for themselves. Feel free to take a look into my post histories or classic threads.

...once you have taken your agenda and Coleridge's dick out of your hand.

Even-handed, if nothing else.

And, once more - how is his doubting worse than the lying & ego-tripping that characterises these threads?

What has a Vanessa Williams song got to do with anything? Our best signing will be our last, I presume? Go on then, do tell. Otherwise stop posting nonsense that does nothing but string everyone along, making them scream 'Oh Tolmie's here! Tolmie's back!' - which increasingly seems to be the point of this entire thread. Gawd knows we haven't had any actual information.
I don't understand why you're reading the thread though. It's started by Tolmie, so it's going to contain information that you don't really care for. It's not your problem if other people want to believe it. I can understand your frustration, but at the same time it's probably best for you to keep off the thread or at least refrain from questionning his information, especially when he has a good track record. If you must pass comment on him, you might aswell wait until the window is closed.

For most on here, Tolmie's posts add a little bit of excitement to their day, but time and time again there seems to be one or two posters who can't accept the attention he receives. It wouldn't normally be a problem but it always leads to arguing and bickering which eventually leads to the thread being pulled.

It creates work for the mods as they have to clean the threads up. The last thing the majority want is Tolmie or any other respected poster to stop posting, which is what will happen eventually. Fair do's if you don't believe him, just leave those that do to it. It's not your problem. :-)
chemicalboy99 said:
Think of the transfer forum like the WWE. You know it's not real, just there to entertain.

Some folks state we've signed players already that obviously we havent yet got round to announcing because obviously they are fit enough to miss pre season training.

Just use common sense and see it for what is really is....a good laugh.
In a nutshell.
Everyone has had their say now. Please can we get back to transfer rumours now and not spoil another thread. If you dont like it, dont read it.
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